
Cross-listed Courses

Cross-listed courses are two courses with closely-related content that have been approved at different levels of instruction; for example, undergraduate and graduate. Students in cross-listed courses must be provided learning opportunities commensurate with the degree they are pursuing. Accordingly, cross-listed courses must clearly describe separate and distinct learning outcomes and expectations for undergraduate versus graduate students. These expectations may represent different levels of engagement with the same content, differential assignments (what students are producing as part of the course), assessments (how students are evaluated), and/or evaluation criteria (expectations for acceptable performance), all of which must be aligned with the stated learning outcomes for undergraduate versus graduate students. The learning outcomes and expectations (e.g., aligned assignments, assessments and evaluation criteria) for both graduates and undergraduates in a cross-listed course must be included in the syllabus, clearly distinguished between undergraduate and graduate students. Learning outcomes and expectations must be clearly communicated to both graduates and undergraduates in each cross-listed course. 

This policy conforms to the Higher Learning Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation, which obliges courses and programs to require levels of performance by students appropriate to the degree awarded. Each semester, the Graduate School will randomly audit 50% of cross-listed courses to check compliance with this policy. Those found out of compliance will be required to revise and redistribute their syllabi to students.