Psychology, PHD

Director of Clinical Training, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology: James Hoelzle, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies, Doctoral Program in Behavior Analysis: Tiffany Kodak, Ph.D.

Chairperson: Lucas Torres, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology website

Degree Offered

Doctor of Philosophy

Program Description

The Department of Psychology offers courses and training leading to the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in psychology, with specializations in either clinical psychology or behavior analysis.

The clinical psychology program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Courses cover scientific areas of psychology, research methods and professional practice skills including assessment, psychotherapy, consultation and supervision. Supervised clinical experiences are planned throughout the curriculum. Practica are available at the Department of Psychology’s Center for Psychological Services and with collaborating agencies in the Milwaukee area. Doctoral students in the clinical psychology specialization acquire a master of science degree with a specialization in clinical psychology as they progress toward their doctoral degree.

For the doctoral program in behavior analysis, course sequences cover basic, applied, and translational research, research methods, and professional and ethical issues. These sequences have been verified as meeting the requirements set forth by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board. Supervised practicum experience is offered both by the program faculty and through community providers.

Multicultural Awareness and Professional Integration Program (MAPIP)


The MAPIP program is specialized training available to graduate students in the Department of Psychology. It is intended to assist students in gaining additional knowledge of multicultural issues. This includes increased awareness of the multicultural psychology research, increased understanding of diverse groups and cultures, and self-reflection of how diversity awareness can be integrated into their professional careers. For more information about this program please visit the MAPIP website.