
Academic Performance

The Graduate School, as well as each academic unit, regularly evaluates the academic performance of its graduate students, adhering to the standards of Marquette University, the Graduate School, and the standards and requirements established by each academic unit and program. Students must earn acceptable grades and adhere to the requirements of academic honesty, professional integrity, and professional performance as well as continue to make satisfactory progress toward their degrees and meet the expectations of the Marquette University Student Conduct Code. The specific expectations related to each of these requirements are described at various points in the Graduate School Bulletin and in the next section below.

Clinical Courses

By virtue of the special nature of clinical courses in health care and other human service fields, students are held to clinical and professional standards in addition to academic standards. If, in the opinion of the supervising faculty member, students are falling short of expected levels of performance or professional behavior, they may be removed immediately from the class. In many cases, students are counseled regarding the deficiency and are given an opportunity to retake the class. However, depending on the type and severity of the deficiency, students may be dismissed from their program and the Graduate School.

Satisfactory Progress Toward the Degree

Satisfactory academic work is not determined exclusively by course grades. All graduate degree students must also make substantial and visible progress toward their degrees. This includes successful completion of any required language examination that may be required, research or clinical training requirements, comprehensive or qualifying examination, thesis or dissertation. Failure to make continual and satisfactory progress toward a degree may result in dismissal.