Department of Physical Therapy Chairperson: Allison Hyngstrom P.T., Ph.D.
Program in Exercise Science Director: Kristof Kipp Ph.D.
Program in Exercise Physiology website
The Program in Exercise Science, which is located in the Department of Physical Therapy offers an undergraduate major in exercise physiology (EXPH).
The exercise physiology major provides an academic program of basic and applied sciences for students interested in exercise physiology, human performance, and/or future health professional programs. The sequenced curriculum seeks to develop a graduate with the skills and academic background to pursue a career in the rapidly growing health and wellness industry, or to pursue graduate work or professional education in a variety of areas including physical therapy, occupational therapy, cardiac rehab, physician assistant, medical school, etc. Incoming freshman admitted to the Direct Admit Master of Athletic Training or Doctor of Physical Therapy program, as well as students accepted to these programs in the junior year, follow a course sequence that allows them to begin the respective program in the senior year.
Degree Offered
Marquette University confers the degree bachelor of science with a major in exercise physiology on those students who have satisfactorily completed the required curriculum.
Department of Physical Therapy Mission
The mission of the Department is to prepare future health care practitioners and researchers with an education rich in clinical experiences, community outreach, and research opportunities to develop leaders guided by the values of "Cura Personalis."
Accreditation and Recognitions
The Exercise Science Program in the Department of Physical Therapy at Marquette University was accredited through The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) during the 2021-2022 academic year. A five-year accreditation was awarded from CAAHEP through 2027.
For successfully meeting established criteria, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) officially recognizes Marquette University's Education Program in Strength and Conditioning through September 2025.
Professional Behaviors
Professional behavior is vital to the success of every health care provider. The program expects its students to adhere to standards of conduct and professionalism outlined in the course requirements for practicum experiences. Violations and/or major deficiencies may prevent students from receiving additional clinical assignments, be grounds for dismissal from the major or result in other penalties.
Final examinations are held in all subjects. Students' grades of scholarship in each subject are determined by the combined results of their class work, course assignments and examinations as defined in the course syllabus. Students who miss a final examination in an EXPH or other course risk the loss of credit and the possibility of not being able to enroll in subsequent EXPH courses.
Certification in Basic Life Support
Certification in basic life support that includes child, infant and both one- and two-person adult CPR along with AED (automatic external defibrillation) training is required of all students. Certification may be obtained following successful completion of EXPH 1010 Emergency Care, CPR and AED. Continued certification must be maintained by and is the responsibility of all students. Students without current CPR with AED certification cannot participate in a clinical experience which may result in the failure of that experience and may delay graduation.
Health Insurance/Health Certification
All students prior to clinical/practical experiences must present evidence of health insurance before clinical/internship assignment can be made. A chest X-ray, vaccinations and TB screening may be required prior to clinical assignment as dictated by the specific site. Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended.
Exercise Physiology and Doctor of Physical Therapy
For incoming freshmen admitted to the Direct Admission Doctor of Physical Therapy program and those who apply and are accepted during the transfer window, the EXPH/DPT curriculum allows students to begin the three-year D.P.T. program in the senior year of undergraduate studies for a total of six years of study, instead of the usual seven years.
Students must be aware that several courses in the D.P.T. curriculum are required to complete the EXPH major, resulting in a delay in conferring the degree. Students may participate in the May commencement ceremonies following completion of the DPT-4 year; however, diplomas are not granted until December, after successful completion of the DPT-5 fall term and all bachelor of science degree requirements for a major in exercise physiology.
Exercise Physiology and Master of Athletic Training
For incoming freshmen admitted to the Direct Admission Master of Athletic Training program and those who apply and are accepted as transfer students, the EXPH/MATR curriculum allows students to begin the two-year M.A.T.R. program in the summer after the junior year of undergraduate studies for a total of five years of study, instead of the usual six years. Students that are either direct admit students or intend on applying to the M.A.T.R. program must meet with an athletic training adviser as soon as possible to discuss programmatic differences that are required to meet the specific admission standards for the Master of Athletic Training program.
Students must be aware that several courses in the M.A.T.R. curriculum are required to complete the EXPH major, resulting in a delay in conferring the degree. Students may participate in the May commencement ceremonies following completion of the senior year, however, diplomas are not granted until August, after successful completion of the senior year summer term and all bachelor of science degree requirements for a major in exercise physiology.
EXRS Accelerated Degree Program (ADP)
The Program in Exercise Science offers early admission into the M.S. Program in Exercise and Rehabilitation Science (EXRS). Marquette undergraduate students majoring in Exercise Physiology may apply for admission to this program in the second term of the junior year. Students accepted into this program are eligible to enroll in up to 17 credits of Exercise and Rehabilitation Science course work that carry graduate credit during the senior year. Credits obtained for these courses are used to fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Note: Only 12 of the 17 credits can count toward the student’s undergraduate degree. Once students inform the Graduate School of the completion of undergraduate degree requirements, the admission as a regular degree status (RDS) student in the graduate program is activated.
MBA Accelerated Degree Program (ADP)
Marquette undergraduate students majoring in Exercise Physiology may apply for admission to the Master of Business Administration program in the second term of the junior year. Prerequisites for the MBA program include the requirements for the minor in Business Administration, along with MATH 1400 or 1450 (AP credits accepted). Students accepted into this program are eligible to enroll in up to nine credits of MBA course work during the senior year. Credits obtained for these courses may be used to fulfill both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Due to the number of prerequisite courses required for admission to the MBA program, the MBA accelerated degree option requires careful planning as early as freshman year. Interested students should contact their undergraduate adviser and review the information on the Graduate School of Management website. Once students inform the Graduate School of the completion of undergraduate degree requirements, the admission as a regular degree status (RDS) student in the Graduate School of Management is activated.
Degree Requirements
Amount and Quality of Work
Candidates for the bachelor of science degree with a major in Exercise Physiology must meet the following requirements:
- A minimum 128 total credit hours that includes completion of the degree requirement areas listed below. Certain combinations of majors/minors and early/direct admission curricula may exceed the minimum 128 total credits hours. It is the responsibility of students to utilize their Graduation Checklist in CheckMarq to understand and fulfill all degree requirements.
Credit Hours
Area |
Credit Hours |
Marquette Core Curriculum (MCC) |
30 |
EXPH Foundational Courses |
15 |
EXPH Major Courses |
69 |
General Electives |
to achieve at least 128 total credits |
- A minimum EXPH major GPA of 2.000 with a C grade or above in all EXPH major courses. Major courses completed with grades below a C will not satisfy major requirements, but credit earned will count towards the 128 total credits required for the B.S. degree. Students who receive a grade below the minimum grade for a course in the EXPH major may be required to repeat the course before progressing in the curriculum sequence for the major.
University Graduation Requirement
Undergraduate Graduation Policy
Students are required to graduate at the end of the term in which all degree requirements are completed. Degree requirements are those requirements, including university, college and all other requirements necessary to earn a minimum of one undergraduate degree and any declared degrees/majors/minors/concentrations. That is, additional degrees/majors/minors/concentrations may be earned; however, they must be completed in the same term as the first degree/primary major is completed. Except in the case of readmission, undergraduate students must meet the graduation requirements which are stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin issued for the year in which they entered Marquette. Substitutions or waivers for specific courses required for degree completion may occur, as determined by the college and/or the Marquette Core Curriculum committee.
Students who have interrupted their enrollment from the university, are normally obliged to follow the degree/major/minor/concentration requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Policies that are in effect at the time of the return, apply to all students, regardless of the term of initial enrollment. Students are responsible for keeping themselves informed of the requirements which apply in their particular cases. Students have faculty advisers available who assist in planning and implementing their plan of studies; however, it is ultimately each student’s responsibility to know and fulfill the requirements for graduation specified for the selected plan. This should be done not only by utilization of specific advisers, but also with Academic Advisement, the university’s online degree audit tool on CheckMarq provided to all undergraduates. With Academic Advisement, students track their degree progress until graduation. It is the responsibility of students to immediately bring any discrepancies found in Academic Advisement to the attention of their college.
A candidate for a baccalaureate degree must meet the following graduation requirements:
- In all undergraduate colleges and programs, a minimum of 120 credits earned and a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 is required for a Marquette undergraduate degree.
- Credits required to be completed in residence at Marquette:
- A minimum of 45 total credits must be completed at Marquette. Up to 15 of the 45 credits may be completed through an approved study abroad program.
- A minimum of 24 upper-division credits must be completed at Marquette. This may include upper-division credits from an approved study abroad program.
- At least 30 of the final 36 credits needed to complete a Marquette undergraduate degree must be completed at Marquette, unless those credits are earned in an approved study abroad program, or are earned as part of a written/contractual agreement with another institution, in which Marquette students participate during the final year of their degree program.
- A minimum of one-half of credits in the major, minor, and concentration not attached to a major must be completed at Marquette.
- Students must attend all courses, lectures, or any other exercises that are required, even though, in some cases such activities receive no recognition in terms of credit hours.
- Students' records must be cleared of all grades that are not permanent, i.e., grades of I, IC, IE and NG.
- Students must file the online application for a degree by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar; however, because students are required to graduate at the end of the term in which all university, degree requirements are complete, the university reserves the right to graduate a student without a graduation application on file. If the university exercises this option, there is no guarantee students will be able to participate in Commencement.
- Commencement is held in May, after the spring term. Participation in Commencement does not mean students are graduated. See the Commencement Policy in this section for further details.
- Exceptions to this Graduation Requirements policy must be approved by the Office of the Provost, except:
- the course and bulletin year exceptions listed in the 'Graduation Requirements' section above (as approved by the college)
- number 3 above (as approved by the college)
For additional college requirements, consult the Degree Requirements listed for each undergraduate program in this bulletin.
Graduation Latin Honors
The grade point average is used to compute graduation Latin honors. The computation is made by dividing the total number of grade points earned at Marquette University by the total number of grade point hours earned. The official Marquette GPA of all students is calculated by the student information system and this GPA is not rounded up or down for any reason. To graduate with Latin honors, candidates must be pursuing their first bachelor's degree, earned at least 60 grade point hours and 60 degree hours at Marquette University, normally as a junior and senior. First bachelor's degree is defined as the first bachelor's degree earned from any institution. When students earn a concurrent additional bachelor's degree (i.e., finish in the same term as the first bachelor's degree), the additional degree is also eligible for Graduation Latin Honors, if the first bachelor's degree qualifies.
Graduates whose grade point average is 3.500, graduate with cum laude (Latin for 'with honor'); graduates whose grade point average is 3.700, graduate with magna cum laude (Latin for 'with great honor'); and graduates whose grade point average is 3.900, graduate with summa cum laude (Latin for 'with highest honor'). Graduation Latin honors are recorded on diplomas, noted in the published lists of graduates at Commencement and recorded on students' transcript.
Graduation Record
The academic record of students is frozen once the degree is posted and may not be altered thereafter, unless required to do so by law and/or a documented university error is discovered after the degree is posted. This includes, but is not limited to: all relevant grade point averages, grades, additional information relating to the degree(s), major(s), minor(s), concentration(s), Latin Honors and academic censure.
Marquette Core Curriculum (MCC) - 30 Credits
Foundation Tier - 15 Credits
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| Foundations in Rhetoric | |
| Core Honors First-Year Seminar |
| Foundations in Philosophy | |
| Honors Foundations in Philosophy |
| Foundations in Theology: Finding God in all Things | |
| Honors Foundations in Theology: Finding God in all Things |
| Foundations in Methods of Inquiry | |
| Honors Foundations in Methods of Inquiry |
| |
Engaging Social Systems and Values 1 (ESSV 1) Course Options
Some faculty-led study abroad courses have also been approved for ESSV1, consult the MCC website for a complete list.
Discovery Tier - 12 Credits
Students must complete four Discovery Tier courses, all from the same Discovery Theme. These four courses must include one course from each of the three content areas (Humanities, Natural Science and Mathematics, and Social Science), and one elective (an additional course from any of the three content areas). A maximum of two courses in the Discovery Tier can be applied toward a primary major. Additional dual counting may be allowed towards college-level requirements.
Students declare their Discovery Theme using the Discovery Tier Declaration Form in CheckMarq.
For students who participate in a full-time (12 credits or more) Marquette-approved study abroad program, one study abroad course (minimum 2.5 transfer credits awarded) may fulfill the elective requirement of the Discovery Tier. Any additional MCC requirements may be fulfilled only when the approved transfer equivalent is an exact match to a specific MCC course.
Discovery Themes
The five discovery theme options are listed below. See additional information and course listings.
Basic Needs and Justice
Cognition, Memory and Intelligence
Crossing Boundaries: The Movement of People, Goods and Ideas
Expanding Our Horizons
Individuals and Communities
Culminating Course - 3 Credits
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| The Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice | |
| Honors Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice |
Students must complete a course or approved experience that is designated "ESSV2." This requirement can be completed via one of the four Discovery Tier courses or through other degree requirements.
Some faculty-led study abroad courses have also been approved for ESSV2, consult the MCC website for a complete list.
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
ADPR 4750 | Strategic Communication in a Culturally Diverse Marketplace | 3 |
ADVE 3986 | Internship in Advertising | 3 |
ANTH 3100 | Urban Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 3986 | Internship in Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 4986 | Advanced Internship in Anthropology | 3 |
ARBC 3200 | Culture and Civilization of the Middle East (WRIT) | 3 |
ARBC 3220 | Arab and Muslim Women in the United States (WRIT) | 3 |
ARBC 3800 | Re-envision of Disability | 3 |
ARSC 4953 | Seminar In Urban Social Issues | 3 |
BIOL 4987 | Applying the Internship Experience 1 | 3 |
BISC 3929 | Reflective Analysis of Global Dental Brigade | 0 |
BISC 4460 | Practical Cases in Medicine | 3 |
BULA 4001 | Business Law for Accounting | 3 |
CCOM 4986 | Corporate Communication Internship | 0-3 |
CHNS 3215 | Chinese Cuisine and Culture | 3 |
CHNS 3700 | Chinese Business Culture | 3 |
CMST 3120 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
CMST 4986 | Internship in Communication Studies | 0-3 |
CNEN 3860 | Construction Materials and Methods | 3 |
COMM 4986 | Internship in Communication | 0-3 |
CRLS 2540 | Surveillance, Law and Society | 3 |
CRLS 3150 | Reentry and Life After Incarceration | 3 |
CRLS 3170 | Policy and Practice for Children Impacted by Incarceration | 3 |
CRLS 3986 | Internship and Seminar in Criminology and Law Studies | 3 |
CRLS 4986 | Advanced Internship and Seminar in Criminology and Law Studies | 3 |
DGMD 3986 | Internship in Digital Media | 3 |
ECONI 3040 | Global Applied Learning Project: Applied Global Business Learning | 0-3 |
EDUC 4965 | Student Teaching: Middle/Secondary | 15 |
EDUC 4966 | Student Teaching: Elementary/Middle | 15 |
EDUC 4986 | Community-Engaged Internship 1 | 3 |
EDUC 4987 | Community-Engaged Internship 2 | 3 |
ENGL 2001 | Ways of Knowing (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 3140 | Sociolinguistics | 3 |
ENGL 3249 | Creativity and Community | 3 |
ENGL 3250 | Life-Writing, Creativity and Community (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 3261 | Poetry and Community (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 3453 | Romanticism and Nature (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 3780 | Water Is Life: Indigenous Art and Activism in Changing Climates (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4221 | The Rhetoric of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4222 | Feminist Rhetorics (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4223 | The Rhetoric of Black Protest (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4230 | Writing Center Theory, Practice and Research (WRIT) | 4 |
ENGL 4631 | Toni Morrison (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4739 | Narrative 4: Storytelling for Others | 3 |
ENGL 4810 | Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies | 3 |
ENGL 4825 | Native American / Indigenous Literatures (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4826 | Global Indigenous Literatures (WRIT) | 3 |
ENGL 4988 | Practicum in Literature and Language Arts | 1-3 |
EXPH 4986 | Exercise Physiology Practicum 2 | 6-15 |
GEEN 2960 | Engineering Social Systems and Values | 0 |
GRMN 3540 | Heckling Hitler | 3 |
GRMN 3550 | German Reunification: The Collision of Two Worlds | 3 |
HESC 3929 | Global Brigades Reflective Analysis | 0 |
HIST 4120 | American Immigration | 3 |
HIST 4125 | Latinx Civil Rights Movements | 3 |
HIST 4135 | African-American History | 3 |
HIST 4140 | American Urban History | 3 |
HIST 4155 | A History of Native America | 3 |
HIST 4247 | Comparative Homefronts during the Second World War | 3 |
INES 4987 | Environmental Studies: Applying the Internship Experience | 3 |
INPS 2010 | Introduction to Peace Studies | 3 |
JOUR 3986 | Internship in Journalism | 0-3 |
JOUR 4986 | Internship in Journalism | 0-3 |
LLAC 1010 | Working Without Borders | 3 |
LLAC 3220 | Cultures and Foodways | 3 |
LLAC 3250 | Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice | 3 |
MANA 3035 | Leading for Inclusion | 3 |
MARQ 3929 | Engaging Social Systems and Values Reflective Analysis | 0 |
MARQ 3961 | International Service Learning - Living Justice: Accompaniment in an Unjust World | 3 |
MLSC 4180 | Concepts in Clinical Education Methods and Practicum | 2 |
NURS 3956H | Honors Nursing Practicum 1 | 1 |
NURS 3965 | Community and Population Health Nursing - Clinical 1 | 2 |
PHIL 3502 | Narrating Freedom: Gender, Race and Mass Incarceration | 3 |
PHIL 3507 | Global Justice | 3 |
PHTH 4512 | Culture and Disability | 3 |
POSC 4986 | Professional Experience in Washington, D.C. | 3 |
PSYC 3201 | Introductory Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 3420 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PURE 3986 | Internship in Public Relations | 0-3 |
SOCI 3700 | Social Movements, Protest and Change | 3 |
SOCI 3986 | Internship and Seminar in Sociology | 3 |
SOCI 4986 | Advanced Internship and Seminar in Sociology | 3 |
SOWJ 3170 | Policy and Practice for Children Impacted by Incarceration | 3 |
SOWJ 3400 | Advocacy and Social Change: Theory and Practice | 3 |
SOWJ 3986 | Internship in Social Welfare and Justice | 3 |
SOWJ 4700 | Global Aid and Humanitarianism | 3 |
SOWJ 4986 | Advanced Internship in Social Welfare and Justice | 3 |
SPAN 3001 | Advanced Communication in Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 4150 | Spanish in the United States | 3 |
THAR 3620 | Multicultural Playwrights | 3 |
THAR 4986 | Internship in Theatre Arts | 0-3 |
THEO 2500 | Theologies of Nonviolence | 3 |
THEO 3250 | Contemplation and Action | 3 |
THEO 3350 | Christian-Muslim Dialogue | 3 |
THEO 3355 | Sikh-Muslim Dialogue | 3 |
THEO 3600 | Theology Engaging Culture | 3 |
THEO 4270 | The Many Faces of U.S. Catholicism | 3 |
THEO 4400 | Christian Faith and Justice 1 | 3 |
Students must complete a course that is designated "WRIT." This requirement can be completed via one of their four Discovery Tier courses or through other degree requirements.
Some faculty-led study abroad courses have also been approved, consult the MCC website for a complete list.
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
ACCO 4000 | Accounting Communications | 3 |
ADPR 2200 | Media Writing | 3 |
ANTH 2101 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ARBC 3200 | Culture and Civilization of the Middle East (ESSV2) | 3 |
ARBC 3210 | Arabic Literature in English Translation | 3 |
ARBC 3220 | Arab and Muslim Women in the United States (ESSV2) | 3 |
BIOL 4102 | Experimental Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL 4202 | Experimental Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 4302 | Experimental Cell Biology | 3 |
BIOL 4402 | Experimental Ecology and Field Biology | 3 |
BIOL 4403 | Tropical Ecology in Panama | 3 |
BIOL 4502 | Experimental Neurobiology | 3 |
BIOL 4702 | Experimental Physiology | 3 |
BIOL 4802 | Experimental Microbiology | 3 |
BISC 4325 | Endocrinology | 3 |
BUAD 4010 | Business in Film | 3 |
BULA 3001 | Legal and Ethical Environment of Business | 3 |
CCOM 3250 | Corporate Writing | 3 |
CMST 3000 | Theories in Communication Studies | 3 |
CRLS 3050 | Methods of Criminological Research | 3 |
EDUC 4000 | Educational Inquiry 2: Advanced Topics | 3 |
EDUC 4540 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
ELEN 3025 | Electrical Instrumentation Laboratory | 2 |
ENGL 2001 | Ways of Knowing (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 2011 | Books that Matter | 3 |
ENGL 2012 | Well Versed | 3 |
ENGL 3000 | Introduction to Literary Studies | 3 |
ENGL 3210 | Writing Practices and Processes | 3 |
ENGL 3220 | Writing for Workplaces | 3 |
ENGL 3221 | Technical Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3222 | Writing for Health and Medicine | 3 |
ENGL 3240 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 3241 | Crafting the Short Story | 3 |
ENGL 3242 | Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy | 3 |
ENGL 3250 | Life-Writing, Creativity and Community (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 3261 | Poetry and Community (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 3301 | Here Be Monsters | 3 |
ENGL 3302 | Crossing Over | 3 |
ENGL 3410 | Drama | 3 |
ENGL 3453 | Romanticism and Nature (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 3462 | Introduction to Gothic Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 3513 | Modern Irish Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3514 | Contemporary Irish Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3517 | Memory and Forgetting in Contemporary Historical Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 3751 | The Art of War | 3 |
ENGL 3761 | Medicine and Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3762 | Disability and Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3780 | Water Is Life: Indigenous Art and Activism in Changing Climates (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 3785 | LGBTQ+ Narratives: Literature, Film, Theory | 3 |
ENGL 3841 | Global Hip Hop | 3 |
ENGL 3860 | The Russian Novel and the Search for Meaning | 3 |
ENGL 4210 | Writing, Literacy, and Rhetoric Studies | 3 |
ENGL 4220 | Rhetorical Theories and Practices 1 | 3 |
ENGL 4221 | The Rhetoric of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4222 | Feminist Rhetorics (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4223 | The Rhetoric of Black Protest (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4224 | Radical Writing: An Invitation to the Self | 3 |
ENGL 4230 | Writing Center Theory, Practice and Research (ESSV2) | 4 |
ENGL 4250 | Creative Writing: Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 4260 | Creative Writing: Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 4270 | Creative Writing: Nonfiction | 3 |
ENGL 4303 | Studies in the Medieval Imagination | 3 |
ENGL 4311 | Themes in Medieval Literature | 3 |
ENGL 4331 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGL 4402 | The Novel to 1900 | 3 |
ENGL 4412 | Transatlantic Literature, 1700-1900 | 3 |
ENGL 4422 | British Literature of the Long 18th Century | 3 |
ENGL 4423 | Legal Fictions of the Enlightenment | 3 |
ENGL 4472 | British Literature of the Victorian Period, 1837-1900 | 3 |
ENGL 4616 | Moby-Dick | 3 |
ENGL 4631 | Toni Morrison (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4715 | Children's Literature | 3 |
ENGL 4730 | What Is a Book? | 3 |
ENGL 4734 | The Epic | 3 |
ENGL 4738 | Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 4739 | Narrative 4: Storytelling for Others | 3 |
ENGL 4755 | Law and Literature | 3 |
ENGL 4756 | The Jury Project | 3 |
ENGL 4765 | Material Cultures | 3 |
ENGL 4766 | Environmental Protection | 3 |
ENGL 4786 | Women Writers | 3 |
ENGL 4810 | Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies | 3 |
ENGL 4820 | Studies in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies | 3 |
ENGL 4825 | Native American / Indigenous Literatures (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4826 | Global Indigenous Literatures (ESSV2) | 3 |
ENGL 4830 | Africana Literatures | 3 |
ENGL 4932 | Topics in Writing | 3 |
ENGL 4954 | Seminar in Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 4997 | Capstone | 3 |
EXPH 4020 | Clinical Case Management in Exercise Science | 3 |
FILM 2600 | Writing About Film | 3 |
FREN 4110 | Advanced Grammar and Written Expression in French | 3 |
FREN 4270 | French Holocaust Writings in English Translation | 3 |
FREN 4280 | Creative Writing in French | 3 |
GEEN 2961 | E-Lead 1: Foundations of Leadership and Individual Development | 2 |
GRMN 3500 | The Modern German Short Story | 3 |
GRMN 3505 | The Modern German Short Story in English | 3 |
HIST 1301 | History of Latin America | 3 |
HIST 3104 | The Civil War Era | 3 |
HIST 4210 | The Black Death | 3 |
HIST 4460 | Race and History of South Africa | 3 |
HIST 4955 | Undergraduate Seminar in History | 3 |
INCG 4997 | Capstone in Cognitive Science | 3 |
JOUR 4150 | Investigative Reporting | 3 |
MANA 3002 | Business and Its Environment | 3 |
MLSC 4180 | Concepts in Clinical Education Methods and Practicum | 2 |
NURS 4000 | Quality and Safety in Nursing | 3 |
PHIL 3505 | Philosophy and Film | 3 |
PHIL 3610 | Ancient Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 4540 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
PHTH 7505 | Patient/Client Management 3 2 | 2 |
PHTH 7974 | Clinical Education Experience 1 3 | 4 |
POSC 3101 | Writing and Argumentation in Political Science | 3 |
POSC 4217 | Research and Writing for Public Policy | 1-3 |
PURE 3600 | Public Relations Writing | 3 |
SOCI 3050 | Methods of Social Research | 3 |
SPAN 3001 | Advanced Communication in Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 3005 | Advanced Communication in Spanish for Heritage Speakers | 3 |
SPAN 3500 | Texts, Images and Critical Thinking in Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 3505 | Texts, Images, and Critical Thinking in Spanish for Heritage and Native Speakers | 3 |
SPAN 4700 | Creative Writing in Spanish | 3 |
STCM 3400 | Writing for Strategic Communication | 3 |
THAR 4600 | Playwriting | 3 |
THEO 3130 | Miracles 1 | 3 |
THEO 3530 | Theology and Economics 1 | 3 |
THEO 4210 | History and Theology of the Christian East | 3 |
THEO 4300 | The Question of God in a Secular Age 1 | 3 |
THEO 4460 | Religion, Science and Ethics | 3 |
Grade Minimums & Additional Information
- A grade of C or better is required in Honors MCC courses. A passing grade is required in non-Honors MCC courses.
- Review the Marquette Core Curriculum section of the bulletin for additional information, including transfer student requirements and Discovery Theme details.
Exercise Physiology Foundational Courses
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
| 11 |
| General Biology 1 | |
| General Chemistry 1 | |
| General Chemistry 2 | |
| 3 |
| Modern Elementary Statistics | |
| Statistical Methods | |
| Biostatistical Methods and Models | |
| Social Statistics | |
| 1 |
| Bioethics for Healthcare: Foundations, Dilemmas and Decision-Making (3 cr.) | |
| Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.) | |
| Applied Ethics for the Health Sciences (1 cr.) | |
| Medical Ethics (3 cr.) | |
| |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Exercise Physiology Major
All major course requirements and EXPH major electives listed below must be completed with a C grade or better (see the Academic Performance section). Clinical courses must be completed with a satisfactory (S) grade. Major course requirements completed with a C- or less must be repeated prior to advancing in the course sequence for the sophomore, junior and senior years.
Required Courses
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EXPH 1001 | Introduction to Exercise Science | 1 |
EXPH 1010 | Emergency Care, CPR and AED | 1 |
EXPH 1020 | Personal Health and Wellness | 1 |
BISC 1035 | Principles of Human Anatomy | 4 |
EXPH 1500 | Functional Anatomy of Exercise | 1 |
EXPH 2000 | Principles of Leadership and Professional Practice 1 | 1 |
EXPH 2001 | Principles of Leadership and Professional Practice 2 | 1 |
EXPH 2045 | Principles of Human Physiology | 3 |
EXPH 2046 | Principles of Human Physiology Lab | 1 |
EXPH 2110 | Kinesiology/Biomechanics | 4 |
EXPH 2115 | Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXPH 2116 | Exercise Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
EXPH 2190 | Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning | 3 |
EXPH 3170 | Administration in Exercise Science 1 | 2 |
EXPH 3180 | Exercise Testing and Prescription | 3 |
EXPH 3200 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXPH 3500 | Health Behavior | 3 |
EXPH 4187 | Clinical Exercise Physiology for Special Populations 1 | 3 |
or EXPH 5187 | Clinical Exercise Physiology for Special Populations |
EXPH 4189 | Nutrition and Exercise Performance (MAT students take EXPH 7189) | 4 |
or EXPH 7189 | Nutrition and Exercise Performance |
| 17 |
| Exercise Physiology Practicum 1 | |
| Exercise Physiology Practicum 2 (ESSV2) 1,2 | |
| 2 |
| 7 |
Total Credit Hours: | 69 |
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| |
EXPH 2106 | Cognitive and Motor Learning | 3 |
EXPH 2931H | Honors Topics in Exercise Physiology | 1-4 |
EXPH 3600 | Theoretical Elective in Exercise Physiology | 1-3 |
EXPH 3610 | Psychology of Injury Recovery | 1 |
EXPH 3615 | Introduction to Research in Biomechanics | 2 |
EXPH 3620 | Clinical Exercise Testing | 1 |
EXPH 3625 | Exercise is Medicine | 2 |
EXPH 3635 | Current Issues in Nutrition | 1 |
EXPH 3640 | Pediatric Cardiac Rehabilitation | 1 |
EXPH 3645 | Health Science in The News | 1 |
EXPH 3650 | ACSM Exercise Physiologist Certification | 3 |
EXPH 3655 | Fundamentals of Athletic Training | 3 |
EXPH 3660 | Becoming a Clinical Exercise Physiologist | 1 |
EXPH 3670 | Introduction to Analytics in Sports: Using Data to Improve Performance | 2 |
EXPH 3680 | Psychological Aspects of Sport & Exercise | 2 |
EXPH 3690 | Environmental Physiology | 2 |
EXPH 4015 | Advanced Practice for the Exercise Physiologist | 2 |
EXPH 4020 | Clinical Case Management in Exercise Science | 3 |
EXPH 4192 | Advanced Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXPH 4195 | Advanced Exercise Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
EXPH 4956H | Honors Introduction to Research in Exercise Physiology | 1 |
EXPH 4957H | Honors Advanced Research in Exercise Physiology | 1 |
EXPH 4960H | Honors Research Seminar in Exercise Physiology | 1 |
EXPH 4995 | Independent Study in Exercise Physiology | 1-4 |
ATTR 7122 | Evidence-Based Decision Making in Athletic Training Practice (for students admitted to the MAT program) | 1 |
ATTR 7261 | Rehabilitation of the Lower Extremity (for students admitted to the MAT program) | 2 |
PHTH 7120 | Pharmacology in Physical Therapy | 2 |
PHTH 7528 | Physical Therapy Evaluation, Tests and Measures (for students admitted to the DPT program) | 2 |
Curriculum Plans For Exercise Physiology Majors
In addition to the curriculum plans outlined below, plans have also been developed for those students interested in using Exercise Physiology as a pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary or pre-graduate school degree. Students should meet with their academic adviser to discuss programmatic differences based upon their unique circumstances.
For all EXPH majors, regardless of curriculum plan, all EXPH major courses (BISC 1035 and all EXPH courses listed in the curriculum) completed with a C- or less must be repeated prior to advancing in the course sequence for the sophomore, junior and senior years.
Typical Program for Exercise Physiology Major
Typical Program for Exercise Physiology Major - Direct Admit DPT
A curriculum has been developed to accommodate the prerequisites for entrance into the DPT while meeting the required course work for the exercise physiology major. Students who are either direct admit DPT students or intend on applying to the DPT program must meet with an adviser as soon as possible to discuss programmatic differences that are required to meet entrance standards.
This curriculum includes courses in the fourth and fifth year of the DPT program that substitute for required EXPH major courses (identified in parentheses). Students participate in the May Commencement ceremony with their class, however, diplomas and official transcripts are not granted until satisfactory completion of the fall term in the DPT5 year. All courses completed prior to awarding of B.S. degree are counted towards undergraduate GPA and determination of academic honors.
Typical Program for Exercise Physiology Major - Direct Admit MAT
A curriculum has been developed to accommodate the prerequisites for entrance into the Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program while meeting the required course work for the exercise physiology major. Students that are either direct admit MAT students or intend on applying to the MAT program must meet with an adviser as soon as possible to discuss programmatic differences that are required to meet entrance standards.
This curriculum includes courses in the fourth year and summer of the MAT program that substitute for required EXPH major courses (listed in parentheses). Students participate in the May Commencement ceremony with their class, however, diplomas and official transcripts are not granted until satisfactory completion of the summer term following senior year. All courses completed prior to awarding of B.S. degree are counted towards undergraduate GPA and determination of academic honors. The B.S. degree must be completed and awarded prior to the final year of study (fall/spring) of the M.A.T. degree.
Typical Program for Exercise Physiology Majors - EXRS Accelerated Degree Program (M.S. Thesis and Non-thesis Options)
A curriculum has been developed to accommodate the prerequisites for entrance into the OTD while meeting the required course work for the exercise physiology major. Students who intend on applying to the OTD program must meet with an adviser as soon as possible to discuss programmatic differences that are required to meet entrance standards.
This curriculum includes courses in the fourth and fifth year of the OTD program that substitute for required EXPH major courses. Students participate in the May Commencement ceremony with their class, however, diplomas and official transcripts are not granted until satisfactory completion of the fall term in the OTD2 year. All courses completed prior to awarding of B.S. degree are counted towards undergraduate GPA and determination of academic honors.
Curricular Requirements
Students must complete the following requirements (equivalent of 6 credit hours):
- 1 credit hour of EXPH 4956H Honors Introduction to Research in Exercise Physiology
- 2 credit hours of EXPH 4960H Honors Research Seminar in Exercise Physiology
- One of the following research options:
- Option A (preferred): 1 credit of EXPH 4957H Honors Advanced Research in Exercise Physiology and participation in the department’s Summer Research Program (verified by registration and satisfactory completion of EXPH 9002H Honors Student Study/Research Placeholder in Exercise Physiology, a 0-credit placeholder course).
- Option B (with approval of the program director): 3 credits of EXPH 4957H Honors Advanced Research in Exercise Physiology
Academic Standards
Students must achieve a 3.200 cumulative and EXPH GPA in order to earn Exercise Physiology Disciplinary Honors. If students drop below a term 3.200 term GPA in any given term during the sophomore year, or any subsequent year, they receive a letter of warning from the University Honors Program director. If students drop below a 3.200 cumulative GPA, they are placed on Honors Program academic probation; if they do not achieve a 3.200 cumulative by the end of the following term, they are removed from the program. Students must earn a grade of C (in graded courses) or Satisfactory (in S/U courses) for courses to fulfill requirements of the program. Courses in the disciplinary honors program cannot be taken for audit or credit/no credit.
- The program is available to students with a declared major of Exercise Physiology
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.200 or higher
- The ability to complete the requirements for the Exercise Physiology Disciplinary Honors Program in a two-year period, either sophomore/junior year or junior/senior year. Students in the direct-admit physical therapy or athletic training programs at Marquette should plan for the sophomore/junior year option.
- Applications are due in the spring term, either sophomore or junior year.
- Applications are made available through the Program in Exercise Science, Cramer Hall 215
- Questions can be directed to the program director, Dr. Kristof Kipp at