
Grading System - Undergraduate and Health Science Professional

Undergraduate and Health Science Professional Grading System Policy

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average, as outlined in the Academic Censure policy in this bulletin.

Letter grades, with or without grade points, are used by Marquette faculty to evaluate students' performance in a course. All grades described below, with the exception of the I, IC and IE grades are permanent grades. No additional work for the purpose of changing a permanent grade may be submitted by students after the last day of the session in which the class is offered. Likewise, no additional work for the purpose of changing temporary grades of I, IC or IE may be submitted by students once the deadline to change temporary grades has passed.

Grade Achievement Grade Points
A Superior 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B Good 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C Satisfactory 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
F Failure 0.00
WF Failure 0.00

The following letter grades do not have associated grade points:

Grade Defined
ADW Administrative Withdrawal; withdrawn from the course by the university for administrative reasons.
AU Audit; excluded from attempted credits.
AUA Audit; included in attempted credits for Satisfactory Academic Progress purposes.
CR Credit; equivalent work of C or better in the course.
I Incomplete; a temporary grade indicating inability to complete the course and/or take the final exam, due to circumstances beyond the control of students; and, therefore, completion of assignments/exam are allowed after the term has ended. The student must expressly ask the instructor to issue an Incomplete grade. Incomplete grades are only allowed for students who completed at least 60 percent of the class as measured in weeks of attendance or participation in the session.
IC Course Incomplete; a temporary grade indicating the course is not completed by the end of the term in which the course is scheduled.
IE Incomplete Extension; a temporary grade indicating an extension to the I grade removal deadline; assigned by the college office for those students who, due to circumstances beyond their control were unable to complete the required work by the I grade removal deadline.
NC No Credit; equivalent work of less than C in the course.
NG No grade; a temporary grade indicating grades were not entered by the grading deadline for the session in which the class was offered; a grade change is required.
NPF Not Passed/Failed; no credit; equivalent to less than a D.
PD Pass with Distinction; credit; equivalent to A.
PS Pass/Satisfactory; credit; equivalent to B or C.
SNC Satisfactory completion; equivalent work of C or better in a course bearing no credit.
UNC Unsatisfactory completion; equivalent work of less than C in a course bearing no credit.
S Satisfactory completion; equivalent work of C or better in a credit bearing, competency-based course.
SY Satisfactory completion; equivalent work of C or better in the first term of a series of multi-term courses, where grades are assigned only in the final course in the series.
U Unsatisfactory completion; equivalent work of less that C in a credit bearing, competency-based course.
UW Unexcused withdrawal; withdrawal initiated by the faculty or college office when students register for a course, never attend and fail to officially drop or withdraw.
UY Unsatisfactory completion; equivalent work of less than C in the first term of a series of multi-term courses, where grades are assigned only in the final course in the series.
W Withdrawn-Official; withdrawal initiated by students, with approval of the college office.
WA Withdrawn-Excessive Absences; withdrawal initiated by the faculty or college office due to excessive absences in the course.

Clarification of Grades

ADW Grade

The ADW grade indicates that students are withdrawn from the course for administrative reasons, as determined by approved personnel of the university, including, but not limited to the dean, or members of a committee involved in a formal hearing and/or an appeal process. Submission of this grade requires a last date of attendance/activity. 

Students who are administratively withdrawn from the university receive this grade in all classes for the term/session. Likewise, students who are administratively withdrawn from a single class, receive this grade in the class. This grade is assigned by the college office or the Office of the Registrar depending on the reason for the action and the office requesting the administrative withdrawal. A last day of attendance/activity must be submitted with this grade. This grade takes precedence over any other grade assigned to students.

Students assume responsibility for all consequences that ensue as a result of receiving any withdrawal grade. These consequences may include, but are not limited to: a delay in graduation, denial of readmission, external institutions/entities viewing these grades as failing grades, loss of eligibility for certain scholarships and/ or financial aid, loss of full-time status and/or loss of a refund.

C-, D+ and D grades

The policy on C-, D+ and D grades earned in courses taken at Marquette University differs for students in the various colleges and programs. See the pertinent sections of this bulletin for statements of individual policy.

CR/NC Option

For enrichment purposes, junior and senior students are given an option to elect one course per term (to a maximum of four courses) for which only a CR or NC grade is assigned. This course must be a true elective in the individual’s program and the prerequisites must be met. Courses excluded are those taken in fulfillment of the requirements for the Marquette Core Curriculum, courses for the major or minor including teacher certification and the like, or special courses excluded by the individual colleges or programs. Arrangements to take a course under the CR/NC option must be made no later than the deadline for the session in which the course is offered, as published in the Academic Calendar. Students complete the Credit/No Credit Grading Option request form available online on the Marquette Central academic forms website to request this option.

I Grade

This grade must be initiated by students and approved by the instructor prior to the end of the session in which the class is offered and must be assigned by the instructor prior to the final grading deadline for the term/session in which the class is offered. The student must expressly ask the instructor to issue an Incomplete grade and explain the extenuating circumstances keeping them from completing their remaining assignments and/or final exam by the deadline. The instructor may consider the request only if the student has participated in the class consistently during the term and up to the time of the request, including completion of at least 60 percent of the class as measured in weeks of attendance or participation in the session. The instructor may not consider the request if they deem the student incapable of earning a passing grade at the time of the request.

This grade is cleared by following the standard online grade change process located in the Faculty Center of CheckMarq. If not cleared or changed to the grade of IE by the date specified in the Academic Calendar the grade is automatically turned into a permanent grade of F or other non-passing grade based on the grading options of the course. Retroactive withdrawals may not replace an I grade. Because these grades denote that the student did not fulfill all course requirements and/or the final exam, the university views these grades with the same seriousness as the grade of F or WF.

Any exception to the assignment of this grade must be approved by the college offering the course; however, retroactive withdrawals may not replace an I grade, regardless of an approved exception.

IC Grade

This grade is not the result of any action or inaction by students. This grade is changed to a permanent grade by the faculty at the time the course is completed and no initiation is needed by the student. The permanent grade must be assigned within one year of the assigned IC grade. Retroactive withdrawals may not replace an IC grade.

IE Grade

This grade must be approved and entered on students' records prior to the deadline to remove the I grade, as indicated in the Academic Calendar. This grade is applied by the instructor following the standard online grade change process located in the Faculty Center of CheckMarq. The grade is cleared by that same standard grade change process. If not cleared by the date specified in the notification provided to the student at the time of the extension, the grade is automatically changed to a permanent grade of F. Retroactive withdrawals may not replace an IE grade.

UW Grade

This withdrawal is initiated by the faculty or college office when a student registered for a course, never attended and failed to officially drop or withdraw.

The fact that students do not attend class, does not relieve them of the obligation to pay any tuition and/or fees that are due. Students assume responsibility for all consequences that ensue as a result of receiving any withdrawal grade. Theses consequences may include, but are not limited to: a delay in graduation, denial of readmission, external institutions/entities viewing this grade as a failing grade, loss of eligibility for certain scholarships and/or financial aid, loss of full-time status and/or loss of the 100% refund. Refund calculation for this grade is based on the date the university is first informed of the non-attendance.

W Grade

This withdrawal is initiated by students, before the withdrawal deadline, as outlined in the Academic Calendar. This grade is not assigned after the last day of the session in which the class is scheduled. Submission of this grade requires a last date of attendance/activity. This is a permanent grade and cannot be changed or overwritten, except as described in the ADW section above.

Students assume responsibility for all consequences of this grade. These consequences may include, but are not limited to: a delay in graduation, denial of readmission, external institutions/entities viewing this grade as a failing grade, loss of eligibility for certain scholarships and/or financial aid, loss of full-time status and/or loss of a refund.

WA Grade

This withdrawal is initiated by the faculty or college office and is assigned due to students' excessive absences in the course, as outlined in the syllabus or the university Attendance Policy in this bulletin. This grade is not assigned after the last day of the session in which the class is scheduled. This grade is always assigned if the withdrawal is initiated prior to the deadline to withdraw for the class in which a session is scheduled, as outlined in the Academic Calendar. If initiated after the deadline, students receive the grade earned at the time (a WA or a WF, as indicated in the Attendance Policy above). Submission of this grade requires a last date of attendance/activity. This is a permanent grade and may not be overwritten or changed, except as described in the ADW section above.

Students assume responsibility for all consequences of this grade, which may include, but are not limited to: a delay in graduation, denial of readmission, external institutions/entities viewing of this grade as a failing grade, loss of eligibility for certain scholarships and/or financial aid, loss of full-time status and/or loss of a refund.

WF Grade

This grade is assigned under two circumstances and is calculated into the grade point average, just like the grade of F:

  1. When students initiate a withdrawal after the deadline to withdraw, as outlined in the Academic Calendar.
  2. When the faculty and/or college initiates a withdrawal after the last day to withdraw, as outlined in the Academic Calendar, if:  (1) students exceed the faculty's absence policy in the syllabus; or, (2) students abandon the class. In these cases, for those students passing the class at the time of the withdrawal, the faculty may assign the WA or WF grade, depending on the grading criteria of the syllabus; however, students who are failing the class at the time of this withdrawal must be assigned a WF.

In all cases, this withdrawal is not permitted after the last day of the session in which the class is scheduled. Submission of this grade requires a last day of attendance/activity. This is a permanent grade and cannot be changed or overwritten at any time, except as described in the ADW section above.

Students assume responsibility for all consequences of this grade, which may include, but are not limited to:  a delay in graduation, denial of readmission, external institutions/entities viewing this grade as failing, loss of eligibility for certain scholarships and/or financial aid, loss of full-time status and/or loss of a refund.