
Academic Dismissal/Probation/Academic Alert (CAA)

Academic Dismissal

The College of Nursing adheres to the University Academic Censure Policy.

College Academic Probation

Undergraduate students in the College of Nursing may be placed on academic probation for the following:

  • A single term or cumulative grade point average below 2.500; first semester freshman year GPA below 2.000.
  • One withdrawal from a required NURS, HEAL or cognate course, earning a 'Withdrawn-Excessive Absences' (WA) or 'Withdrawing-Failing' (WF) grade
  • One failure to meet the minimum course grade requirement in any course during a single term.

College Academic Alert (CAA)

Students admitted to the College of Nursing are expected to meet college academic standards and maintain good academic standing. Academic performance is monitored carefully by the Undergraduate Academic Advisers. Students either not maintaining steady progress or not demonstrating adequate achievement will be dismissed from the College of Nursing with a College Academic Alert (CAA).

The bases for a committee review include:

  • grade point average (GPA) deficiency
  • inadequate progress (includes but is not limited to: earning less than the required grades and/or withdrawing for academic reasons in two required courses)
  • grades of C-, D+, D, F, I, W, WA, WF, UW or ADW
  • the violation of special conditions

Special conditions may be prescribed in writing at the time of students' admission, readmission or transfer into the college. Conditions may also be prescribed in writing in the case of students whose course performance or failure to follow academic advice warrants such action. All students to whom conditions have been specified are subject to committee review and possible CAA restriction should they fail to fulfill the specified terms. It is possible that students are barred from registration for academic reasons even though the cumulative GPA exceeds the College of Nursing's minimum of 2.500. Students concerned about their academic progress should consult the college office.

Students placed on College Academic Alert status are notified by email of the committee’s decision and of the appeal process. If an appeal is denied, students may request to enroll in another college via the process outlined in the University Academic Censure Policy in this bulletin, and if accepted, the CAA hold is removed after admission into the new college.

Unless the CAA is removed via the individual colleges' appeal process, students may not register for courses at Marquette and may be dropped from any classes for future terms in which they are registered.