

The College of Nursing follows the University Attendance Policy. Students should refer to course syllabi, as each course may have additional attendance requirements.

Laboratory/Clinical Courses

Attendance at all clinical experiences (includes skills labs and simulation) is a demonstration of professionalism and accountability. It is the opportunity for the student to be evaluated by the clinical faculty in performance of clinical skills, assessment of clinical judgement and successful mastering of course objectives. Clinical attendance and completion of all clinical related course work is mandatory within the time frame of the given term.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the course instructor about any absence prior to the start of the clinical time. Being tardy, or not being at a clinical site on an assigned clinical day results in an absence. Any absence may impact the student’s ability to achieve course objectives thereby impacting their grade. In alignment with the university attendance policy, a student may be withdrawn from a course due to excessive absences. Absences that prevent a student from meeting all course objectives may result in failure of the clinical course.

Note: Regardless of attendance, students may fail a clinical at any time during the term for either a pattern of unsafe and/or unethical nursing behavior or a particularly serious incident of unsafe and/or unethical nursing behavior. At the faculty’s discretion, a learning plan may be put in place based upon students' performance. Once students are informed that they are failing a clinical course, withdrawal from that course is no longer an option.