
Clinical/Health Requirements and Criminal Background Checks

All pre-licensure students are required to complete and successfully pass a criminal background check and provide proof of health history, physical exam and immunization status by August 15, prior to entry into the program. Proof of CPR certification and Ten Panel Drug Screen is required by November 1 of sophomore year. The TB immunization and flu vaccine, criminal background and health update statements are to be updated annually; CPR certification is updated every two years. Students are responsible for the cost of these services. The approximate cost is $90 for the first year and $34 for the second year. No further charges are incurred unless additional background checks or drug tests are required. All students must have required documentation submitted to CastleBranch by listed dates to be processed and tracked. Students are not permitted to progress in the program and/or continue in a clinical if the below health requirements are not current and on file at CastleBranch. If clinical time is missed due to missing health requirements, students’ progression may be affected. A student may be asked to repeat a criminal background check or a ten panel drug screen at anytime in the program.

CastleBranch Requires Documentation on the Following Items

Background Check

Required by the Wisconsin Caregiver Background Check Law. The Office of the General Counsel and the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing are contacted in all instances of criminal offenses identified to determine if students are eligible to remain in the program. After the initial background check, students are expected to submit an annual statement to self-report or indicate no change since the previous year.

CPR Certification

Provide a copy of your card. CPR certification must be obtained by November 1 of sophomore year and maintained throughout the program. Only American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider certification, which includes Automated Electronic Defibrillator (AED), is accepted, and it must be renewed every two years. Certification at Marquette University is available.

Physical Exam

The physical must be within twelve months prior to entry into the program with annual verification that health status is up to date. A physician, nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant must provide signed documentation of the physical exam and must attest that students are in satisfactory health to participate in Marquette University’s College of Nursing program, including engaging in clinical practice. Any ADA/restrictions must be listed. The healthcare practitioner statement is located at CastleBranch.

Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster1

Must be within the past 10 years; renewal every 10 years.

TB Skin Test1

Sophomore nursing students must provide documentation of a two-step TB skin test. Two Mantoux tuberculin skin tests (two-step), administered one to three weeks apart by Nov 1. Documentation must include the dates and results of the tests.

Students will be required to renew annually with a one-step skin test. Renewal date is set for one year from negative test results. Students must provide documentation of Mantoux tuberculin skin test, including the dates and results of the test.


Students who receive a positive TB skin test result must provide documentation of a negative TB QuantiFERON skin test result. If the TB QuantiFERON test is positive, BOTH of the following are required:

  • Negative chest x-ray report dated post positive QuantiFERON
  • Annual Health Symptom Survey

Students who are positive for active TB disease must participate in an active treatment plan to be reviewed annually. They are not eligible to participate in clinicals until their medical provider determines that they are not communicable. No renewal is required for positive results.

Chickenpox Varicella Vaccine or Positive Blood Titer1

Provide documentation of 2 doses of Varicella vaccine, at least 4 weeks apart, or provide documentation of a positive Varicella blood titer.

2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Vaccines or 2 Measles, 1 Mumps, 1 Rubella Vaccine1

Dose 1 on or after the first birthday; Dose 2 must be at least one month after the first dose.

If immunization date is not available, a positive titer showing immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella is accepted. Vaccine/Titer not required for those born prior to 1957.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV/HBSAB Series) or Titer1

Medical documentation of titer after 3-dose vaccination series or documentation that student is in the process of receiving the 3-dose Hepatitis C vaccination series or a signed Hepatitis B vaccine declination form.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine1

Provide documentation of annual immunization.

If needed, a medical exemption document must be signed by primary care provider; religious exemption document must be signed by clergy. Declination forms can be found at CastleBranch. If valid exemption documentation is on file, an annual declination form must be signed as self-report. Due by November 1 every year.

COVID 19 Vaccine

Documentation of either the 2 dose series or the 1 dose series of FDA approved COVID 19 vaccine. Exemptions are accepted.

Ten Panel Urine Drug Screen

Must be completed by November 1 of the term prior to entering clinicals - by November 1 of sophomore year. All nursing students undergo a ten panel urine drug screen prior to clinical start; a negative result requires no further screens unless indications of impairment are present, in which case additional screens may be requested. If students have a current positive drug screen result, they are not able to participate in a clinical placement until further documentation in provided, processed and accepted.

If there is a break in students' enrollment, the urine drug screen needs to be repeated.

We can only accept test results from approved facilities. Please follow the instructions provided by CastleBranch.

Note: The preceding documentation is required by the College of Nursing and is to be submitted to CastleBranch. Any health information required by the university must be submitted separately to the Marquette University Medical Clinic.

Note: If students become injured at any time before or during a clinical semester, they must notify the Undergraduate Program Office and their clinical instructor immediately. Each student is assessed individually to determine if they can continue in their required Nursing courses for that semester. Some conditions that may prevent students from participating in Nursing courses include, but are not limited to, head injuries that prevent students from thinking clearly, and hand or leg injuries that prevent students from washing their hands or walking without an assistive device or being full weight bearing.