
Appeals Procedures

Grade Appeals

College of Nursing Undergraduate Program Policy

Undergraduate students may appeal any final course grade they believe to be in significant violation of clearly established written policies, a result of improper procedures or discriminatory. Before initiating a formal grade appeal, students must consult with the instructor assigning the grade and present evidence why they believe the grade to be in error. If this does not lead to resolution, students may initiate, in writing, a formal grade appeal. To be considered, the Undergraduate Grade Appeal Form must be submitted no later than ten calendar days after official grades are posted in CheckMarq. The form is in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. However, it may be in students' best interest to appeal sooner than this deadline if their academic progress is dependent on the outcome of the appeal. In addition, students must consult with the college or school offering the course for which the grade is being appealed to determine if other requirements for the written appeal are in force.

The written appeal must be submitted to the College of Nursing’s assistant dean of undergraduate programs. The written appeal must provide the reason(s) students believes the recorded grade is incorrect. Students may present evidence of their performance and may also request that all other pertinent materials be supplied by the instructor. The assistant dean collects and analyzes the evidence in a timely manner. Evidence is gathered through consultations with the instructor, students and any witnesses. These consultations may be in person, by phone or by electronic means. Hard copies of relevant documents may also be requested. The assistant dean evaluates the appeal or choose to designate an ad hoc committee for this purpose. The assistant dean or ad hoc committee considers the appeal and evidence and makes one of the following decisions: the assigned grade should remain, the course instructor is asked to reconsider the grade in light of information collected and the reconsidered grade will stand, or a grade change is warranted. The decision is communicated in writing via email (as the official method of communication) within thirty days to the student and the instructor with copies of the formal response placed in the student’s file and forwarded to the dean and any indicated grade changes filed with the registrar.

Students have the right to appeal the decision of the assistant dean or ad hoc committee to the dean. This appeal must be submitted in writing no later than three calendar days from the date of the formal response. The dean reviews the procedural evidence, which now includes all the evidence previously gathered, the appeal letters and the formal response from the assistant dean or ad hoc committee and renders the final decision on the grade appeal. The decision is communicated in writing via email within thirty days to students and the instructors with copies of the formal response placed in the student’s file and any indicated grade changes filed with the registrar.