
Transmissible Disease Policy

Marquette University School of Dentistry is committed to providing safe and appropriate dental care to all patients including those patients who are carriers of infectious diseases. Marquette University School of Dentistry is also committed to assuring a safe workplace for all personnel and patients.

To assure the safety and well-being of all concerned, the following policy has been established:

  1. The School of Dentistry provides appropriate information and comprehensive training to all personnel to give them a thorough understanding of infection control procedures and objectives. This training is updated annually.
  2. All School of Dentistry personnel who have direct patient contact or contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials strictly comply to current OSHA Standards and Infection Control Guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rigid adherence to established infection control procedures as described in the Marquette University School of Dentistry Clinic Operations Manual is mandatory and is enforced. Failure to follow appropriate infection control measures results in restriction of clinic privileges.
  3. Personnel with potentially infectious lesions and/or weeping dermatitis and/or open wounds on exposed skin are restricted from direct patient contact until these lesions have healed.
  4. Hepatitis B vaccination (or evidence of initiation of vaccination), or proof of immunity via a blood titer are required for dental students/residents upon enrollment and as a condition of employment for faculty and staff with direct patient contact or contact with blood or other potential infectious materials. Exceptions are made only after review on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Marquette University School of Dentistry Post-Exposure Policy are followed conscientiously.
  6. Personnel who experience an occupational exposure, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and persons who know themselves to be practicing generally recognized risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex and needle sharing are strongly encouraged to be tested appropriately for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and/or HIV and are advised to inform the School of Dentistry administration if the result is positive.
  7. HBV DNA positive serum levels, HCV antibody-positive and HIV antibody-positive School of Dentistry personnel are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and in strictest confidence. Personal, medical and career counseling are provided. An ad hoc review panel1, whose members are well informed concerning infectious disease-related issues, meets in response to each occurrence and determines follow-up.