Occupational Therapy (OCTH)

OCTH 1001  Introduction to Occupational Therapy  (1 credits)  
The history and philosophical base of the profession of occupational therapy. Guest speakers highlight the various practice settings where occupational therapists work and the diverse populations they work with, along with current topics of interest within the profession. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term  
OCTH 2931  Special Topics in Occupational Therapy  (1-3 credits)  
Selected topics, not a part of the regular course work taught because of a special need, interest or opportunity.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7010  Foundations of Occupational Therapy  (2 credits)  
Establishes an understanding of the history and philosophical domain and of occupational therapy through lecture and participatory activities. Explores professional roles of the occupational therapy practitioner including advocate, administrator, researcher, consultant, entrepreneur, educator, practitioner and policy developer. Discovers current and emerging areas of the practice of occupational therapy through grand rounds where guest faculty and practitioners share their experience and expertise. Examines the scope of and standards of practice, core documents of the profession, and professional organizations that support, guide and govern OT practice. Emphasizes professional development and wellness-oriented practice (self-care for the practitioner). Introduces skills for developing effective therapeutic relationships and basic practitioner and patient safety.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7135  Applied Anatomy  (1 credits)  
Examines the anatomical structure-function relationship through active learning methods. Clinically correlates the study of concurrent regional anatomy in BISC 7130 toward knowledge of function, dysfunction and the impact on occupational performance.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7140  Kinesiology  (4 credits)  
Establishes a basis of general biomechanical principles and detailed understanding of human movement. Identifies and examines anatomical structures in the trunk, shoulder girdle and upper extremity and assesses the function of those structures. Studies surface anatomy and the biomechanics of normal and abnormal muscle and joint action. Laboratory sessions focus on practical applications of anatomical principles including muscle origins and insertions contributing to assessment skills in analysis of joint movement, muscle strength, functional mobility and pain.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
OCTH 7150  Clinical and Health Conditions 1  (2 credits)  
Explores the pathology and pathophysiology of disorders pertinent to the practice of occupational therapy across the lifespan through lecture and clinical observations. An introduction to oncology and the pathophysiological disorders of the nervous system are examined. Explores medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability as a change from normal aging and physiobiological functioning. Pharmacological and other medical interventions are introduced and integrated with material concurrently presented in other courses. The role of the occupational therapist discussed as functional implications of pathological change from an occupational perspective is explored.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7155  Clinical and Health Conditions 2  (2 credits)  
Demonstrate competency in the analysis of upper and lower extremity muscle movement, muscle palpation, goniometry of ROM and manual muscle testing. Perform fundamental skills required to support safe, functional mobility including physical transfers, wheelchair management and mobility devices. Correlates kinesiological principles during functional assessment.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
OCTH 7195  Neuroscience  (4 credits)  
Examines histology, gross anatomy, organization, and neurobiology of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Determines the impact of neurological conditions and implications of neurological deficits. Evaluates these systems as a basis for human functional capacity and the impact of these systems on function and the dynamic relationship with occupation. Lecture/lab consists of clinical application of the course topics through case studies.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
OCTH 7200  Occupational Therapy Process: Orthopedics  (4 credits)  
Examines and differentiates orthopedic conditions of the upper and lower extremities. Evaluates the biomechanical means of injury through the observations of everyday activity and special testing skills. Integrates knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries including common acute and cumulative trauma conditions and their effects on occupational performance. Applies theories and frames of references in orthopedic rehabilitation to guide evaluation, assessment and intervention. Critically analyzes evidence supporting evaluation and treatment methodologies used with individuals with orthopedic impairments. Demonstrates competency in upper extremity static splinting skills as well as the use of physical agent modalities through experiential learning.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7235  Medical Humanities 1: Ignatian Values, Ethics, Advocacy  (2 credits)  
Explores the complexity of authentic leadership as defined in the Ignatian tradition. Discovers the many applications of Ignatian discernment and decision-making in the workplace. Explores scope of practice, standards of practice and professional responsibilities through the lens of Ignatian tradition. Identifies, analyzes and advocates for existing and future service delivery models and policies and opportunities to address societal needs. Discusses the potential effect of such advocacy on the practice of OT.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7236  Medical Humanities 2: Health and Social Justice in Occupational Therapy  (2 credits)  
Explores the complexity of culture and the cultural formation of health and illness. Examines determinants of health with a particular focus on the patient and provider as persons in social and cultural contexts that shape knowledge, behaviors, attitudes and the potential effect on access, receipt and delivery of care. Demonstrates knowledge of the U.S. health care delivery system and examines health policy framework. Explores potential disparities related to health in the context of bioethics and ethical delivery of care. Examines cultural assumptions about the nature of health, well-being and participation on qualify of life, and the implications of cultural differences for occupational therapy practice models and methods including the promotion of health and well-being. Analyzes occupational-based and patient-centered practice.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
OCTH 7237  Medical Humanities 3  (2 credits)  
Explores the concept of authentic leadership as defined in the Ignatian tradition. Discovers the many applications of Ignatian discernment and decision-making in the workplace. Engages in critical review and discussion of occupational therapy practice through the analysis of bioethical issues and case studies. Explores scope of practice, standards of practice and professional responsibilities through the lens of Ignatian tradition. Identifies, analyzes and advocates for existing and future service delivery models and policies and opportunities to address societal needs. Discusses the potential effect of such advocacy on the practice of OT.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7305  Therapeutic Technology, Accessibility and Environments 1  (2 credits)  
Demonstrates an understanding of assistive technology (AT) and adaptive equipment as an environmental intervention to preserve, augment or improve social, emotional, physical and academic well-being for persons in the early stages of the lifespan. Explores the use of equipment, assistive devices and therapeutic technology as a means to augment and/or adapt the environment to support occupational performance. Explores strategies that maximize participation in daily activities for young persons with varying limitations and disabilities and in multiple settings. Examines aspects of environment and person-environment interface in the selection, assessment and design/intervention to support occupational performance and participation in the early years of life.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
OCTH 7306  Therapeutic Technology, Accessibility and Environment 2  (2 credits)  
Introduction to the use of assistive technology (AT) and adaptive equipment as an intervention to preserve, augment or improve well-being for persons in early to middle adulthood. Explores the use of equipment, assistive devices and therapeutic technology as a means to augment and/or adapt the environment to support occupational performance. Examines intervention strategies that maximize participation in daily activities for adults with varying limitations and disabilities in home, school, work and community environments. Assessment and intervention strategies developed in the context of home, school, work and community settings using technology to enhance occupational performance.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
OCTH 7310  Occupational Therapy Theory and Process: Mental Health  (4 credits)  
Establishes a foundational knowledge for assessment of persons with mental health and psychosocial challenges in various contexts including the use of subjective and objective measures. Emphasizes the utilization of evaluation results to implement evidence-based, theory-driven interventions that support participation and occupational engagement for individuals and groups across the lifespan. A comprehensive introduction to occupational therapy practice in mental health, including selected theoretical perspectives and conceptual models of practice as applied across the lifespan to individual, groups and populations. Explores therapeutic approaches and communication with application of therapeutic use of self, professional reasoning, emotional intelligence, empathy and a client-centered, collaborative approach. Develops clinical reasoning and skills through experiential, self-directed and case-based learning. Designs and facilitates individual and group interventions.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
OCTH 7315  Occupational Therapy Theory and Process: Children and Youth 1  (6 credits)  
Establishes a foundational knowledge for assessment of children and youth in various contexts including the use of subjective and objective measures. Relates etiology and development to models of practice utilized by an occupational therapy practitioner when working with children and youth. Identifies cognitive, motor and social-emotional developmental milestones of infants, early childhood, middle childhood and adolescents. Explores occupations typical of children and adolescents and the impact of disruption on child and family occupational performance and participation within various contexts. Examines and implements the occupational therapy process with children and youth in pediatric settings. Lab experiences focus on theoretical foundations and developmental principles used to guide standardized and non-standardized assessments and pediatric interventions, such as play, sensory integration, cognitive approaches, hand function, social skills, executive functioning and feeding.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
OCTH 7320  Occupational Therapy Theory and Process: Adult Rehabilitation and Disability  (4 credits)  
Establishes a foundational knowledge for assessment of adults in various contexts including the use of subjective and objective measures. Applies an understanding of the occupations of individuals in early to middle adulthood and explores conceptual models of practice, theories, frames of reference and evidence-based therapeutic techniques as a foundation for the OT process for adults with physical dysfunction across the continuum of care. Develops skills through in-depth application of physical agent modalities, durable medical and adaptive equipment selection, design and instruction, orthotic fabrication and fitting, and implementation of evidence-based interventions. Integrates principles of ergonomics in lab sessions. Biopsychosocial consideration guides professional reasoning for application of knowledge and impact of physical disability on participation in everyday life.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
OCTH 7325  Occupational Therapy Theory and Process: Productive Aging  (3 credits)  
Establishes a foundational knowledge for assessment of aging adults in various contexts including the use of subjective and objective measures. Prioritizes the utilization of assessment results to implement evidence-based, theory-driven interventions that support participation and occupational engagement for the aging adult. Applies an understanding of the occupations of older adults and explores conceptual models of practice, theories of aging and adaptation, and evidence-based therapeutic techniques as a foundation for practice. Develops clinical reasoning and skills through experiential, self-directed, and case-based learning. Examines contemporary practice issues related to productive aging, including inter-professional practice. Compares service delivery models and resources to support older adults and their caregivers across the continuum of care. Develops professional reasoning skills for assessment though the comparison of the concepts of the normal aging process, with biological, physiological, psychosocial, and neurological changes associated with aging and end-of-life care. Designs individual and group interventions. Explores issues that may influence geriatric practice including policy, reimbursement models and ethics.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
OCTH 7335  Occupational Therapy Theory and Process: Children and Youth 2  (4 credits)  
Integrates foundational knowledge from previous course work of pediatric conditions commonly seen in community-based settings, including developmental disabilities, mental health disorders and behavioral disorders to explore clinically relevant and evidence-based best practices. Synthesizes evaluation results to implement evidence-based, theory-driven interventions that support participation and occupational engagement for children and youth in early intervention services and schools. Illustrates effective collaborative techniques and implements community education programs for infants through adolescents and their families. Studies current policies affecting practice with children and youth.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
OCTH 7360  Practical Applications in Occupational Therapy  (2 credits)  
Emphasizes application of clinical skills and knowledge acquired to date related to occupational therapy practice. Demonstrates competency in basic clinical practice skills for Level II Fieldwork experiences and professional practice. Engages in experiential learning through group, case-based, and self-directed learning activities.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7375  Health Through Occupation  (2 credits)  
Establishes an understanding of occupation and, as the foundation for occupational therapy theory and practice through the examination of occupation, activity and participation. Explains the centrality of occupation in health and wellness throughout the lifespan using conceptual models and frames of reference in historical and contemporary occupational therapy practice, as well as outside the discipline of OT. Students engage in community service projects and articulate to clients and the general public the distinct value of occupation to support performance, participation, health and well-being. Employs logical thinking, critical analysis, problem solving and creativity to evaluate the dynamics of occupation and activity, including the interaction of areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, activity demands, context(s) and client factors. Examines the construct of occupational justice and related concepts.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7377  Health Through Occupation 3  (3 credits)  
Applies, analyzes and evaluates scientific evidence to explain the importance of balancing areas of occupation and the role of occupation in the promotion of health, prevention of disease, illness and dysfunction, and utilizes practice models of health promotion and education for persons, groups and populations in various community-based settings. Expands community practice and program development skills, including needs assessment, negotiating community partnerships, program planning and program evaluation. Designs an evidence-driven, theory-based community or primary care program that is capacity building for a community partner.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7380  Neurorehabilitation 1  (3 credits)  
Demonstrates understanding of lifespan approach to evaluation and treatment of neurological conditions. Establishes an understanding of the theoretical assumptions of neurophysiological approaches to neurorehabilitation including framework and approach to assessment and intervention. Explores neuromotor and sensorimotor recovery strategies using the occupational therapy process and applies neurophysiological principles in approach to assessment and intervention for motor control dysfunction. Demonstrates understanding of developmental and motor learning theories and approaches in evaluation and treatment for neurological conditions across the lifespan.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
OCTH 7381  Neurorehabilitation 2  (2 credits)  
Applies theoretical neurological approaches to neurorehabilitation in assessment and intervention of individuals of all ages with neurological dysfunction. Focuses on principles of rehabilitation to maximize participation in activities of daily living including adaptations and modifications to support participation. Explores psychological and neurobehavioral aspects of neurological deficit. Examines specific problem areas after neurological injury including, but not limited to, cognitive and perceptual issues, visual and visuospatial impairments, and speech and language deficits. Demonstrates an understanding of the role of caregiving and the support needs of the caregiver at different phases of neurological recovery.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
OCTH 7500  Evidence-Based Practice 1: Inquiry and Professional Reasoning  (2 credits)  
Summarizes the concept of professional reasoning and critical inquiry as the basis for professional decision-making. Establishes an understanding of the development of scientific theory and inquiry. Demonstrates introductory research skills in accessing virtual knowledge, professional writing, critical reading and information literacy. Articulates the importance of quantification and measurement to organize, analyze and relate information both in practice and in research. Explores the framework of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) Model as a means to evaluate and organize research. An overview of quantitative and qualitative research models is introduced, leading to the creation of a focused question on an area of interest and completion of an annotated bibliography and research report of a case study.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
OCTH 7505  Evidence-Based Practice 2: Integration and Synthesis  (2 credits)  
Integrates evidence with knowledge and experience to date, patient preference and values to make an informed decision. Engages in self-directed and group learning and applies knowledge to case scenarios. Explores the application of evaluation and intervention approaches for case-based persons of all ages and abilities.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
OCTH 7550  Research Methods  (2 credits)  
Establishes a foundational understanding of the research process. Compares and contrasts types of research including qualitative and quantitative models. Examines the concept of statistical analyses in the health sciences. Group learning demonstration of understanding of research methods in critique and appraisal of evidence and completion of a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) on policy and disability theory related to OT practice in concurrent content area of mental health.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
OCTH 7600  Introduction to Doctoral Capstone  (1-3 credits)  
Examines the iterative nature of the occupational therapy doctoral capstone process to gain an in-depth understanding of the project and experience. Reflects upon the concepts of literature review, needs assessment, and program development to demonstrate an understanding of the capstone process. Applies this process and identifies resources through the creation of a literature review, needs assessment and program proposal to address identified needs of a marginalized population. Identifies determinants of health and the potential contributions of these determinants to health for marginalized populations. Analyzes epidemiological factors that impact the public health and welfare of populations and evaluate the role of occupational therapy in improving the health of populations. Explores theory-driven, evidence-based community health educational solutions and develop strategies to address occupational participation for marginalized persons.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7605  Doctoral Capstone Project Development 1  (1-3 credits)  
Initiates preparations for the OTD clinical doctoral capstone project. Explores potential areas of scholarship to align interests with a community or clinical partner. Identifies and justifies a feasible scholarship/research topic through the initiation of an in-depth literature review, guided by a faculty mentor. Formulates and clarifies questions relevant to capstone focus area and topic. Develops draft proposal and feasible timelines for planning and implementation of their project including IRB proposal and initial data collection. Determines funding options including grant writing methods. Establishes importance of self-assessment, reflects upon constructive feedback and takes responsibility to organize and manage draft program proposal.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7610  Doctoral Capstone Project Development 2  (3 credits)  
Identifies and analyzes social determinants and epidemiological factors of capstone population. Evaluates and analyzes interaction of occupation and activity in health promotion for capstone population. Applies clinical reasoning and analyzes and evaluates scientific evidence to inform capstone intervention and programming. Examines community practice skills, such as effective communication and teaching-learning principles. Develops program development skills, including needs assessment, negotiating community partnerships, program planning and program evaluation in support of capstone project and experience. Designs an evidence-based, theory-driven community or primary care program that is capacity building for a community partner.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7625  Leadership and Management  (3 credits)  
Explores and evaluates business strategies to advocate for, promote, develop, manage, market and expand services related to occupational therapy practice and the delivery of occupational therapy services that includes case management, care coordination, consultation and transition of services. Applies budget development and financial management, strategic planning, marketing and funding procurement through grant writing through the process of program development and evaluation of outcomes. Describes and discusses major leadership philosophies, theories and strategies for conflict resolution, negotiation, and personnel supervision and management. Explores the business complexities of a dynamic health care environment including regulations and compliance issues, reimbursement systems, funding mechanisms, coding and documentation requirements and quality improvement.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
OCTH 7650  Educational Strategies in Occupational Therapy  (2 credits)  
Analyzes innovative teaching methods and learning theories underlying occupational therapy practice, teaching tools, resources and strategies to be recognized as engaged, contemporary professionals. Establishes the foundation required to create and prepare educational tools for classroom instruction, clinical and community-based in-services and professional presentations. Improves interview skills; discusses contract negotiations. Explores and compares the roles of practitioner-educator in various contexts including clinical practice and academia.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term  
OCTH 7660  Occupational Therapy Advanced Practice  (2 credits)  
Examines clinical skills and use of evidence to guide practice in specific areas of occupational therapy beyond that of an entry-level practitioner.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7931  Topics in Occupational Therapy  (1-6 credits)  
Lectures and discussions in an area which, because of its topicality, is not the subject of a regular course. The special topics are designated in the Schedule of Classes.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term  
OCTH 7932  Advanced Topics in Occupational Therapy  (1-4 credits)  
Advanced topic of current interest in occupational therapy.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program, successful completion of previous courses in program sequence, and cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7953  Specialty Track Seminar  (1 credits)  
Exploration of a specific area of practice with analysis to develop a deeper understanding of the role of the occupational therapy practitioner. Examines the various ways in which the occupational therapist is integrated within the specialized area of choice and the impact on the population or field of occupational therapy. Identifies and plans appropriate occupational therapy interventions, approaches to interventions, and outcome measures to gain deeper understanding and practical application skills to the area of choice.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
OCTH 7956  Advanced Research in Occupational Therapy  (1-3 credits)  
Readings, discussion and participation in research under the direction of an occupational therapy faculty adviser. S/U grade assessment.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7957  Professional Seminar 1  (1 credits)  
Students continue work on professional development plan, complete a competency exam prior to clinical rotations and use exam results to develop individual learning goals at the initiation of Level II fieldwork. Round-table discussions and group activities, demonstrating professionalism, in preparation for Level II fieldwork.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
OCTH 7958  Professional Seminar 2  (1 credits)  
Integrates occupational therapy knowledge, concepts and skills in preparation for participation in the Doctoral Experiential Component, completion of the NBCOT licensure exam and autonomous clinical practice. Transfer didactic and clinical knowledge to complete a comprehensive examination designed to capture competency in all content areas and detect safe decision-making skills to identify readiness to proceed as an independent practitioner. Synthesis of information tested with a comprehensive examination allows students to determine areas of strength and need and develop appropriate study plans. Designed to transition the student to the professional level of accountability.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
OCTH 7960  Integrated Fieldwork Seminar  (2 credits)  
Concurrent with Level II fieldwork practicum. Students participate in an integrated forum intended to guide the application of didactic knowledge to current fieldwork practice. Engages in critical analysis and discussion of elements of the paradigm of the profession. Content and course section relative to lifespan and/or practice setting of concurrent Level II fieldwork practicum.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program, successful completion of previous courses in program sequence, and concurrent enrollment in OCTH 7982.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term  
OCTH 7964  Level I Fieldwork: Mental Health  (1 credits)  
Students engage in service within the community as an integrated learning method. Students also gain deeper understanding of the needs of individuals, groups and local populations and a broader appreciation of the occupational nature of human beings through participation in active, collaborative and inquiry-based learning that meets identified community needs. Examines psychosocial factors and the potential affect on engagement in occupation within communities. Reviews goals, guidelines, policies and procedures for participating in the academic program's Level I (LIFW) and Level II (LIIFW) fieldwork programs. Provides training in confidentiality/privacy laws to support students in abiding by professional ethics and behaviors. Experiential learning varies from site to site. First course of three in the series of Level I fieldwork experiences.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
OCTH 7966  Level I Fieldwork: Children and Youth  (1 credits)  
Students engage in service within the community focused on meeting the needs of children and youth. Students also gain deeper understanding of the needs of individuals, groups and local populations and a broader appreciation of the occupational nature of human beings through participation in active, collaborative and inquiry-based learning that meets identified community needs. Experiential learning varies from site to site. Second course of three in the series of Level I fieldwork experiences.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
OCTH 7968  Level I Fieldwork: Adulthood  (1 credits)  
Students engage in service within the community focused on meeting the needs of persons in early through middle adulthood. Students also gain deeper understanding of the needs of individuals, groups and local populations and a broader appreciation of the occupational nature of human beings through participation in active, collaborative and inquiry-based learning that meets identified community needs. Experiential learning varies from site to site. Final course in the series of Level I fieldwork experiences.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
OCTH 7980  Level II Fieldwork A  (1-12 credits)  
Full-time, clinical fieldwork experiential learning under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. Develops entry-level competence through the delivery of occupational therapy services to clients including evaluation, planning, treatment and intervention. Entry-level exposure to occupational therapy practice in a variety of clinical or community-based settings. During the fieldwork process, students are expected to assume increasing responsibilities related to patient or client care. Duration is 12 weeks.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term  
OCTH 7982  Level II Fieldwork B  (1-12 credits)  
Full-time, clinical fieldwork experiential learning under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. Develops entry-level competence through the delivery of occupational therapy services to clients including evaluation, planning, treatment and intervention. Entry-level exposure to occupational therapy practice in a variety of clinical or community-based settings. During the fieldwork process, students are expected to assume increasing responsibilities related to patient or client care.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term  
OCTH 7996  Doctoral Capstone Experience  (1-5 credits)  
A customized, 14-week (560 hours minimum) doctoral experiential component to build upon entry-level competence as a generalist practitioner. Advanced skills are achieved in one or more of the following: clinical practice, research, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education or theory development. Students collaborate with community partners to generate specific learning objectives for the mentored practice setting. Utilizes communication with mentors and self-assessment to identify areas of improvement within the capstone experience. Integrates evidence of learning with concurrent Doctoral Capstone course culminating with dissemination.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of all required didactic and clinical course work.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term  
OCTH 7997  Doctoral Capstone  (1-4 credits)  
Organizes and manages the planning and implementation of the doctoral capstone project and experience over the course of two terms. The first term involves continued project capstone development and planning in conjunction with concurrent course, Doctoral Capstone Project Development 2. Requires collaboration with faculty mentor and peers for review of research/scholarship during the capstone process. Students take responsibility for organizing components of capstone planning and self-assessment and reflect upon feedback to refine their plan. In the second term, the focus is on the completion of the doctoral project, including data collection and analysis of data. Culminates in the dissemination of findings from research/scholarly work in a forum of peers, faculty and stakeholders. Preparatory components of the capstone project, as defined by ACOTE, must be completed prior to the second offering of the course and Doctoral Capstone Experience in the final term of the program. Culminates in dissemination of doctoral capstone project.
Prerequisite: Admitted to OCTH-OTD program and successful completion of previous courses in program sequence.  
Level of Study: Health Sciences Professional  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2023 Spring Term