Law (LAW)

LAW 7000  Civil Procedure  (4 credits)  
An examination of the progression of civil cases, including jurisdiction, pleading, discovery, pretrial practice, the civil trial process, and post-verdict proceedings. The principal objectives of the course are to equip students with an understanding of the civil litigation process, to contrast the processing of a civil case with that of a criminal case, and to explore the roles of plaintiff and defense counsel.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7001  Constitutional Law  (4 credits)  
An introduction to the constitutional system of the United States, organized around 1) the judicial role in the constitutional scheme; 2) the allocation of power between the national government and the states; 3) the division of authority among the branches of the national government; and 4) the limitations imposed upon both national and state government for the protection of individual rights. The course exposes students to alternative theories of constitutional interpretation and contrasts constitutional decision-making with the resolution of disputes under statutory or common law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7002  Contracts  (4 credits)  
An examination of the principles governing the formation, performance, and enforcement of promissory obligations. The principal objective of the course is the development of the foundational skills of legal reasoning and legal analysis, skills that the course seeks to develop principally by examining how judge-made common law rules emerge and evolve and how lawyers facilitate that evolution through the representation of clients. In addition, the course will contrast the challenges to the lawyer posed by common-law rules with those posed by statutes and constitutions.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7003  Criminal Law  (3 credits)  
A study of the sources and purposes of the criminal law, the definition of crimes, theories of group criminality, and defenses to criminal liability. This course will introduce students to the interpretation and construction of statutes, the use of statutory codes, and will explore the dynamics of the relationship between courts and legislatures.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7004  Legal Analysis, Writing and Research 1  (3 credits)  
This course is the first of two courses that introduce students to researching the law, analyzing how the law applies to a set of facts, and writing a document that reflects that research and analysis. Legal Analysis, Writing and Research 1 focuses on predictive legal writing.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7005  Legal Analysis, Writing and Research 2  (3 credits)  
Builds on the skills learned in LAW 7004. Teaches students how to implement the legal research process using both print and electronic media, how to analyze the results of that research, and how to write a document that reflects that research and analysis. Focuses on persuasive writing.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7006  Property  (4 credits)  
This course focuses on ownership, the varieties of interest in land, considerations in the buying and selling of land, and the control of land use through private arrangements and the common law of nuisance. The course also emphasizes multi-stage analysis of legal problems, the intersection of diverse doctrines, and the unique concerns in the practice of transactional law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7007  Torts  (4 credits)  
A study of claims and defenses relating to civil liability for the infliction of harm to person and property. Uses of the civil process in shaping and presenting tort actions will also be addressed. The course also will trace the evolution of the common law related to civil liability. Students will consider how social policy shapes the civil duties that are assigned, the standards for the level of care that are imposed, the causation that is recognized, and the damages that are allowed.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7101  Administrative Law  (3 credits)  
A study of state and federal procedures, including the creation and operation of agencies and their relationship to the courts. Special attention is given to administrative investigation, adjudication, and rule making.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7102  Advanced Civil Procedure  (3 credits)  
An examination of procedural aspects of civil litigation that builds upon and goes substantially beyond the mandatory first-year course. Particular attention is paid to (1) certain aspects of Wisconsin civil procedure that differ from those of the federal system, and (2) various aspects of complex litigation, such as class actions, joinder, and multidistrict litigation. Additional topics may include extraordinary writs, settlements, and perfecting appeals.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7105  Alternative Dispute Resolution  (3 credits)  
An examination of extrajudicial methods of dispute resolution, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and mini-trials.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000, which may be taken concurrently.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7106  Amateur Sports Law  (3 credits)  
Covers various amateur sports law issues and focuses on legal regulations of interscholastic, intercollegiate, and Olympic sports. Topics covered may include constitutional law, tort law, contract law, Title IX gender discrimination, federal disability discrimination laws, the legal relationship between a university and its student athletes, regulatory authority of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, United States Olympic Committee and high school athletic associations, antitrust law, resolution of disputes affecting Olympic sports (including the jurisdiction and operation of the Court of Arbitration for Sport), and regulation of private education institutions and sports associations.
Prerequisite: Completion of 27 credits.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7108  American Legal History  (3 credits)  
This course examines selected topics in American legal history. It focuses on the emergence of legal doctrines (e.g., contract, property, criminal law) and institutions (e.g., the changing roles of judges) in the broader social, cultural and political context. Satisfies the Law School's perspectives requirement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7110  Antitrust Law  (3 credits)  
Analyzes the application of federal antitrust law, primarily the Sherman and Clayton Acts, to 21st century business practices, including price-fixing, exclusive dealing, trade association practices, tying, monopolization, and attempted monopolization, and their effects on competition as well as government enforcement, private party litigation, and various exemptions and immunities. It also considers the economic principles on which antitrust law is based as well as the influences of historical and political factors on the origin and evolution of antitrust law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term  
LAW 7122  Bar Examination Foundations I  (3 credits)  
Focuses on developing test-taking skills necessary for success on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) and essay portion of a bar examination. Covers three different subject areas from those covered in Bar Examination Foundations II. Follows a “flipped classroom” model where students learn substantive material from three MBE subjects outside the classroom through video lectures. Class time is spent working through practice problems and discussing test-taking skills and strategies. Students have multiple opportunities to complete and receive feedback on MBE and essay questions. Note: Bar Exam Foundations is not a substitute for a commercial bar review course.
Prerequisite: Completion of the required 1L curriculum.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7124  Bar Examination Foundations II  (3 credits)  
Focuses on developing test-taking skills necessary for success on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) and essay portion of a bar examination. Covers three different subject areas from those covered in Bar Examination Foundations I. Follows a “flipped classroom” model where students learn substantive material from three MBE subjects outside the classroom through video lectures. Class time is spent working through practice problems and discussing test-taking skills and strategies. Students have multiple opportunities to complete and receive feedback on MBE and essay questions. Note: Bar Exam Foundations is not a substitute for a commercial bar review course.
Prerequisite: Completion of the required 1L curriculum.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7125  Business Associations  (3 credits)  
This course examines the laws and principles of agency. It also explores the laws that regulate, the characteristics of, and the policies behind, different business organizations, including partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations, with a focus on the closely-held corporation. Topics covered with respect to these business organizations include: entity formation, capital structure and financing, the rights and obligations of the equity holders and managers, and fiduciary duties of managers.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7128  Business Basics for Lawyers  (2 credits)  
Introduces basic business, economic and finance concepts and issues to students with little or no business knowledge or experience. Aims to reduce the insecurity that not knowing these basic concepts and issues can produce in students entering foundational post-1L courses dealing with, e.g, business associations, taxation, antitrust, securities, bankruptcy, and real estate. The material discussed also proves useful to students pursuing studies in areas such as divorce, estate planning, and small business. Introduces students to issues such as debt and equity, interest rates, present value, real estate, accounting and financial reporting, securities, trading in stocks and bonds, and related topics. Not open to students who had a major or minor in business as an undergraduate, or has earned or is enrolled in an MBA program.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term  
LAW 7134  Constitutional Criminal Procedure  (3 credits)  
Focus on constitutional issues relating to the investigative stage of a criminal case. Issues considered include investigative detention; arrest, search, and seizure; interrogation of suspects; and procedures used to identify suspects.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7135  Constitutional Law 2: Speech and Equality  (3 credits)  
Focus on the principal individual rights protections of the United States Constitution: Equal protection, including race and sex discrimination and the emerging conflict over "reverse" discrimination; freedom of expression, including the law of subversive advocacy, defamation, obscenity, and commercial speech; and the problem of state action, the relationship between the Constitution and private discrimination.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term  
LAW 7137  Contemporary Legal Issues:  (1-3 credits)  
Courses on various contemporary legal issues proposed by faculty members and approved by the Law School Curriculum Committee. Courses under this title may be repeated where the subject matter is different.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7139  Creditor-Debtor Law  (3 credits)  
Examination of substantive and procedural state and federal law relating to creditors and consumer debtors, including Federal Bankruptcy Law. The bankruptcy focus is primarily on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Summer Term  
LAW 7140  Criminal Process  (3 credits)  
An examination of the progression of a criminal case from the initial decision to charge through post-trial proceedings, including the decision to prosecute, judicial screening, bail, discovery, pretrial motions, plea negotiations, trial, and sentencing. The principal objectives are to equip students with a knowledge of the operation of the criminal justice system and to explore the ways in which lawyers fulfill the prosecutor and defense functions.
Prerequisite: LAW 7003.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Summer Term  
LAW 7141  Copyrights  (3 credits)  
Builds on LAW 7232 and covers copyright law in more detail, including copyrightability, ownership, infringement, and fair use.
Prerequisite: LAW 7232.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7142  Community and Economic Development  (3 credits)  
Community and Economic Development (CED) Law fills the gap when market forces are not sufficient to provide low-income communities with the affordable housing and other services they need. Topics include an overview of the real estate development process, an in-depth analysis of incentives used by the CED industry such as low-income housing tax credits, HOME funds, New Market Tax Credits, Renewable Tax Credits, Tax Incremental Districts, Business Improvement Districts, Brownfields incentives, and other resources. An emphasis is placed on how entrepreneurship and the real estate development process in core urban areas differ from entrepreneurship and development driven by market forces. Students interested in real estate law, contracts, small businesses law, tax law, non-profit law and urban issues will benefit most from this course.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7144  Criminal Prosecution - Community Partnership  (3 credits)  
In this course, students will examine the shift of American prosecutors away from a response-driven model to an innovative and nationally recognized proactive model focused on preventing crime and increasing quality of life. Prosecutors across the United States are embracing the idea that communities are the central institution for crime prevention, and the success or failure of prosecutors, police, schools, and families are dependent on that community foundation. Community Prosecutors are now asked to use their legal knowledge in the field with police officers, use their communication skills to reach out to community members, use their courtroom and trial skills to prosecute the most violent criminals, and use their creativity to fashion appropriate alternatives to traditional prosecutions.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7150  Current Issues in Business and Commercial Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course relating to diverse issues encountered in the practice of business or commercial law, such as business bankruptcy, antitrust, and trade law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2012 Spring Term  
LAW 7151  Current Issues in Civil Dispute Resolution  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the context of civil litigation and dispute resolution.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7152  Current Issues in Criminal Law and Procedure  (2-3 credits)  
This course focuses on advanced issues in the substantive law of crimes, criminal evidence, or criminal procedure.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7153  Current Issues in Environmental Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the practice of environmental law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2011 Fall Term, 2010 Fall Term  
LAW 7154  Current Issues in Estate Planning  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the practice of estate planning law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Fall Term  
LAW 7155  Current Issues in Family Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the practice of family law.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7156  Current Issues in Health Law  (2-3 credits)  
Selected current issues in health law, including such topics as public health issues, forensic sciences, health care finance and delivery reform, and genetics behavior, and the law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2012 Spring Term, 2009 Fall Term  
LAW 7157  Current Issues in Intellectual Property and Technology Law  (2-3 credits)  
Selected current issues in intellectual property and technology law, including such topics as computer law, entertainment law, and the law of biotechnology.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2010 Spring Term  
LAW 7158  Current Issues in International, Comparative and Foreign Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the context of international, comparative, and foreign law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2014 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2012 Fall Term, 2012 Spring Term  
LAW 7159  Current Issues in Labor and Employment Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the practice of labor and employment law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2010 Fall Term, 2010 Spring Term  
LAW 7160  Current Issues in Real Estate Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the practice of real estate law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2017 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term, 2015 Spring Term, 2010 Spring Term  
LAW 7161  Current Issues in Sports Law  (1-3 credits)  
A variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the context of sports law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7162  Current Issues in Taxation  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic course addressing current issues that arise in the law of taxation.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2008 Spring Term  
LAW 7180  Education Law  (3 credits)  
This course examines the law and legal problems facing elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities. Studies focus on legal issues involving students, faculty, administrators and staff.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Spring Term  
LAW 7182  Electronic Discovery  (2 credits)  
An examination of the procedures for the discovery of electronically stored information under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and state rules of civil procedure. Consideration is given to such subjects as form of production of electronically stored information, cost shifting, and discovery of electronically stored information that is not reasonably accessible. The use of digital evidence is also explored.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7184  Employment Discrimination  (3 credits)  
Examination of state and federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, including the Equal Pay Act, Title VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Rehabilitation Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, reconstruction era civil rights legislation, and executive orders.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7185  Employment Law  (3 credits)  
Examination of the rights and obligations of employers and employees. This course is far broader then the Employment Discrimination course but covers discrimination only minimally. The wide range of topics covered may include: the status and decline of the employer's traditional right to terminate employees "at will", employees' rights to sue for termination against public policy or under various statutes, such as whistleblower and anti-discrimination laws; the enforceability as of employment handbooks, letters, and oral communications; minimum/overtime wage claims and other wage-and-hour rights; public employees' constitutional First Amendment and Due Process rights; employees' rights to family/medical leave; and the common law of various employee/employer rights and obligations as to, for example, defamation, non-competition/non-solicitation agreements, and privacy rights.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7187  Environmental Law  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the law of pollution control and management of hazardous materials, with a particular emphasis on the major federal environmental statutes, including the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and Superfund. The contrasting regulatory mechanisms in different statutes, with consideration given to the economic and ethical assumptions underlying the different approaches, and the resolution of environmental problems through private litigation, federal regulation, economic incentive systems, and judicial review of administrative decisions are examined.
Prerequisite: LAW 7006, LAW 7007 and completion of 27 credits.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7191  Evidence  (3 credits)  
Survey of the law of evidence, focusing upon the Federal Rules of Evidence and corresponding Wisconsin rules. Subjects covered include evidentiary burdens and presumptions, relevancy, hearsay, impeachment and examination of witnesses, selected privileges, and authentication of physical and demonstrative evidence.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7200  Family Law  (3 credits)  
This course covers the basic conceptual and substantive divisions in divorce and adoption law. Topics covered include fault and no-fault divorce, financial consequences of divorce, custody, common law and statutory rules for adoption, termination of parental rights, ethical and policy issues in family law, and interviewing and counseling the family law client.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7201  Family Law and ADR  (3 credits)  
Examines the special issues that arise when alternative dispute resolution is employed to resolve conflicts among family members. Focuses on the dynamics of and necessary dispute resolution techniques for family-centered situations such as negotiation or mediation of prenuptial cohabitation, separation and divorce agreements; custody mediation, TPR (termination of parental rights) mediation, collaborative divorce, and estate settlement negotiations. Also considers ethical issues that are particularly relevant to the family/ADR context.
Prerequisite: LAW 7200, which may be taken concurrently.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2014 Spring Term, 2012 Spring Term  
LAW 7203  Federal Courts  (3 credits)  
Study of doctrines relating to justiciability, congressional control over federal court jurisdiction, tensions in the allocation of judicial power between state and federal systems, and constitutional and statutory bases of federal judicial power.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000, LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7204  Federal Criminal Procedure  (3 credits)  
An examination of various aspects of federal criminal law and procedure. Federal crimes considered may include drug trafficking, currency reporting and money laundering, RICO and continuing criminal enterprise, mail fraud, Hobbs Act violations, and offenses under criminal civil rights statutes. Various federal procedures are also studied, including initiation of prosecution by grand jury, indictment, bail and denial of release under the Bail Reform Act, discovery and other pretrial proceedings, the operation of the Speedy Trial Act, plea agreements, jury trials, and sentencing under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term  
LAW 7205  Federal Income Taxation of Individuals  (3 credits)  
Overview of statutes, regulations, and cases relating to federal income taxation with particular emphasis on fundamental principles and provisions relevant to the practice of various legal specialities involving acquisitions, ownership, sales, exchanges and donative transfers of property, debtor/creditor and bankruptcy problems, divorce and civil litigation.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7206  Federal Indian Law  (3 credits)  
A critical analysis, drawing from a variety of perspectives, of the legal principles governing the relationships among Indian tribes, the federal government, and the states. Satisfies the Law School's perspectives requirement.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001, LAW 7004 and LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7207  Federal Taxation of Estates, Gifts and Trusts  (3 credits)  
Examination of federal estate and gift taxes, as well as income taxation of decedents' estates, trusts and their beneficiaries.
Prerequisite: LAW 7205 and LAW 7332.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7209  Federal Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders  (3 credits)  
Federal taxation of C corporations and shareholders including tax considerations relevant to organizing, operating, selling, merging, reorganizing and liquidating a corporation.
Prerequisite: LAW 7205.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7210  Federal Taxation of Partnerships and S-Corporations  (2-3 credits)  
Examines federal income tax aspects of the organization and operation of partnerships, including their formation, transactions between partner and partnership, the transfer of partnership interests, the determination and allocation of income and expenses, basis adjustments, distributions, the death or retirement of a partner, and the use of limited partnerships. Considers federal income tax aspects of other flow-through entities including limited liability companies and small business corporations electing Subchapter S status.
Prerequisite: LAW 7205 and LAW 7125.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7215  The First Amendment  (3 credits)  
A comprehensive examination of the speech and religion guarantees of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Insofar as speech is concerned, the course will, among other objectives, (a) explore the principal categories of contend-based expression – among them incitement, defamation, obscenity, child pornography, and commercial speech; and (b) probe the special constitutional rules created for distinctive contexts – such as the American public school – in an effort to reconcile the expressive rights of individuals with the responsibility of government to retain an ordered society. Insofar as the Constitution’s twin protections for religious liberty are concerned, we will explore a host of anti-establishment and free exercise concerns. On the anti-establishment side, issues will include prayer, moments of silence, and the pledge of allegiance in the nation’s public schools; government-sponsored displays of religious significance; and public financial assistance alleged to benefit religion and religious institutions. On the free exercise side, we will examine the constitutional conflict produced when religious practices – among them Sabbath worship, the rejection of compulsory education, animal sacrifice, drug use, and conscientious objection – meet up with the contrary demands of civil society. This examination will culminate in our consideration of the landmark Supreme Court decision construing the free exercise guarantee in a manner alleged to reflect insufficient concern for the practices of minority religions, the effort in Congress to overturn that decision, and ensuing developments. The course will pause periodically to explore both Wisconsin’s contributions to the development of the First Amendment law (for instance, in areas of school choice and crimes of hate) and the ways in which such law plays out on the ground in communities across Wisconsin (e.g., the controversy in Wauwatosa concerning the cross on the municipality’s emblem). Satisfies the Law School’s public law requirement. Not open to students who have taken Constitutional Law 2: Speech and Equality or Seminar: Advanced Issues in the First Amendment. Satisfies the Law School’s Public Law requirement
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7220  Health Care Provider Liability  (3 credits)  
Focuses on Wisconsin statutory and case law, as well as national trends, in the liability of health care providers. Brought to life by real fact patterns from litigated claims, students learn who is a “patient,” what constitutes a “health care provider,” and what are the claims and causes of actions that can be brought against those in the health care field. Covers Wisconsin and national standards used to determine concepts such as “causation” of injury, “substantial factor,” ”sine quo non,” ”increasing the risk of harm,” and “loss of chance.” In addition, timely topics such as tort reform, limitations of actions and damages, and public policy related to claims pertaining to health care providers are surveyed and discussed. Effective, efficient, and ethical representation of plaintiffs and/or defendants is part of the course focus.
Prerequisite: LAW 7007 and completion of 27 credits.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term  
LAW 7221  Health Law  (3 credits)  
Introduces topics in Health Care Law including professional licensing and regulation; access to health care; government and private financing roles and strategies; health care reform; quality assurance, patient safety and liability; health care fraud and abuse; discrimination and unequal treatment; privacy laws; workplace violence in the health care setting; issues relating to the provision of behavioral health care; and ethical dilemmas in health care, including those relating to reproductive and end of life care.
Prerequisite: Completion of 27 credits.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7222  Health Care Fraud and Abuse  (2 credits)  
Heath care fraud and abuse encompasses a variety of administrative and judicial actions against individual and institutional health care providers who file false claims for payment, make business agreements involving excessive profits, kickbacks or unnecessary services, or engage in other practices defined as fraud and abuse under federal criminal and civil statutes. Uses statutes, case law and commentary to identify the various forms of fraud and self-dealing, and the law’s response. Provides an introduction to the Medicare and Medicaid Anti-Kickback statutes and False Claims Act, and an overview of topics including conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, and RICO as applied within the scope of healthcare.
Prerequisite: LAW 7221, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term  
LAW 7231  Insurance  (3 credits)  
Study of the law relating to insurance, including consideration of insurance contract formation, contract interpretation, government regulation of the insurance business, and problems associated with common coverages such as fire, property, life, health, disability, and liability insurance. Also includes analysis of special issues relating to liability insurance defense and settlement, coordination of multiple coverages and the secondary insurance market.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002, LAW 7007.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7232  Intellectual Property Law  (3 credits)  
Covers the basics of United States intellectual property law, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and misappropriation. Addresses the policies underlying the protection of intellectual property and compares the different ways organizations and individuals can use intellectual property to protect their interests. Intended both for students who want an introduction to intellectual property and for those who intend to pursue a career in intellectual property.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000, LAW 7007. Completion of the 1L curriculum, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7235  International Law  (3 credits)  
Introduces the basic sources and subject matter of international law and then turns toward an examination of the legal institutions creating and implementing international law--the United Nations, the World Trade organization, and regional institutions such as the European Union and NAFTA. Explores specific topics such as environmental law, human rights, armed conflict, and dispute resolution.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000, LAW 7001 and LAW 7003.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7237  Introduction to Forensic Science and the Law  (2 credits)  
Designed to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of today’s crime laboratories and investigative techniques used in the proper collection, preservation and analysis of evidence. Students are introduced to scientific and technological procedures as they are applied in today’s criminal justice system. Introduces the basic principles and uses of forensic science and presents basic applications of the biological, chemical, physical and medical sciences and their presentation in court with particular attention to patterned evidence examination. Discusses the expectations and the limitations of the forensic sciences. Study the nature and significance of the relationship between the courts and the forensic sciences while examining issues regarding the philosophy of science, the scientific method, the rules of evidence and the conduct of trials. Discusses the level of scrutiny required to admit forensic evidence and the extent to which forensic evidence squares with usual or expected scientific standards and practices. Discusses whether scientific conclusions actually assist the trier of fact to arrive at a decision. Critical thinking skills are tested as the student applies scientific conclusions to legal principles. Addresses search and seizure, the rules of evidence and the rules of criminal procedure which dictate the manner in which forensic science and analysis are introduced and challenged in court.
Prerequisite: LAW 7191; LAW 7134 and LAW 7140, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7239  Judging and the Judicial Process  (3 credits)  
Focuses on courts as institutions and on judges as the primary actors within those institutions. Anticipated topics include judicial selection; judicial ethics; the concepts of judicial independence and accountability and their relationship to one another; the meaningfulness of notions such as judicial activism and judicial inactivism; judicial decision making (both as reported by judges and as analyzed by political scientists, psychologists, and other outsiders); the purpose and appropriateness of specialized courts; managerial or bureaucratic judging; a smattering of jurisprudence; and consideration of how all of these things are affected by changes in the nature and number of cases coming before the courts. Satisfies the Law School perspectives requirement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2015 Spring Term  
LAW 7240  Jurisprudence  (3 credits)  
Examination of philosophical problems raised by the institution of the law, including the nature of law, its authority, the relationship between law and morality, the nature of judicial reasoning, and the moral and social foundationsof particular legal doctrines. Topics may vary depending upon interests of the instructor. Satisfies the Law School's perspectives requirement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7241  Juvenile Delinquency Law  (3 credits)  
Examines the theory, practice, and history of juvenile delinquency in the United States, with special emphasis on Wisconsin Law.
Prerequisite: LAW 7003, LAW 7140.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7260  Labor Law  (3 credits)  
Survey of the law of labor relations, including organization and representation of employees, strikes, picketing, boycotts, and collective bargaining.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7262  Parent, Child and State  (3 credits)  
This course introduces students to the use of social science methods and theories in the law. Methodologies and some basic theories of sociology and psychology will be studied. After introducing basic concepts, the course will focus on applying social science analysis to legislation and cases in the area of family law, juvenile law and child protection. Satisfies the Law School's perspectives requirement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Fall Term  
LAW 7263  Law and Poverty  (3 credits)  
Critically examines the relationships between law and poverty. Questions to be addressed include: To what extent do law and legal institutions contribute to fairness and equality for the urban poor? To what extent do law and legal institutions exacerbate the problems and difficulties of the urban poor?
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2008 Fall Term  
LAW 7265  Law And Religion  (3 credits)  
An exploration of the interface between law and religion, primarily within the context of the American legal system. The following areas may be examined: the historical and conceptual relationships between law and religion; the history, theory and doctrine of the religion clauses of the First Amendment, and the "no religious Test" clause of article VI of the U.S. Constitution; analogous provisions of state constitutions; various federal and state statutory provisions addressing religious freedom (including conscientious objection), religious discrimination, and the taxation and regulation of religious entities; the role of religion in specific legal decision-making contexts such as health care and child custody; the influence of religious values on legal actors such as judges, legislators, lawyers, and jurors; the proper role of religion in law and politics; the role of religion in international law and the law of human rights; and the search for a legal or constitutional definition of religion. Satisfies the Law School's perspectives requirement.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7266  The Law Governing Lawyers  (3 credits)  
An introduction to legal and ethical principles governing lawyers, the legal profession, and the practice of law. Study of the principal ways in which lawyers are regulated -- through bar admission, lawyer disciplinary actions, and legal malpractice suits. The course explores the lawyer-client relationship and the scope and limits of duties owed to the client, the legal system, and third parties
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7267  Privacy  (3 credits)  
A survey of privacy law, including tort actions for invasion of privacy, constitutional privacy principles, privacy of health care records, and privacy in employment. Selected statutes that affect privacy interests are studied, including wiretap laws, fair credit reporting, and access to governmental information (FOIA.) Privacy issues of current interest are addressed, including privacy in adoption, transfer and use of consumer information, and regulation of the internet.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001, LAW 7007.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7269  Legislation  (3 credits)  
The development and interpretation of state and federal statutory law, including the roles of legislators and legislative committees, the executive branch and administrative agencies, the judiciary, the electorate, and special interests.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001, LAW 7004 and LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term  
LAW 7271  Local Government Law  (3 credits)  
Legislative control over local government; home rule; the scope of municipal powers; police power; land use control and other current urban legal problems.
Prerequisite: Completion of 27 credits.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7280  Managed Health Care  (3 credits)  
Managed Health Care law examines the expanding field of legal practice in the ever-changing health care industry. The movement of many (if not all) employers to some form of "managed care," the continued consolidation within insurance, hospitals, and medical market sectors, and a multitude of proposed and enacted laws and regulations and court decisions make this area fertile ground for myriad types of legal work. Managed Health Care Law offers the student an understanding of the health care industry itself, the rise (and potential recession) of "traditional" managed care, and the significant roles attorneys play in virtually all areas of both. The course will also introduce students to the wide range of practice settings in which lawyers are involved in the health care industry and the various clients they represent.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7286  Milwaukee Street Law Project  (2 credits)  
Law students teach a two-semester course to Milwaukee public high school students that is designed to foster in the high school students an understanding of the law, legal process, our system of governance, and effective citizenship. To accomplish this the law students devote three hours per week at their assigned high schools. In the fall semester law students teach such subjects as criminal law and procedure, juvenile justice, driver licensing, consumer law, torts, family law, housing law, and individual rights law. In the spring semester the law students teach basic trial advocacy skills and their high school students participate as lawyers and witnesses in a city-wide mock trial competition presided over by federal and state trial court judges. Throughout the school year, law students also help their high school students develop basic academic skills such as reading, writing, listening, oral expression, problem solving and analytical thinking; they also teach skills necessary for responsible participation in a democratic society. A two-hour seminar is conducted for the law students each week which focuses on substantive law as well as interactive teaching methodologies. Law students are required to submit weekly journals, lesson plans, and timesheets. Among the lawyering skills emphasized are critical thinking, organization and prioritization, planning and preparation, and effective communication with lay persons.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7292  Nonprofit Law and Organizations  (2-3 credits)  
Course will cover basic concepts in nonprofit organizations with emphasis on formation, drafting or organizational and operational documents, maintenance and record keeping, tax consequences and state and federal requirements. Governance, fundraising strategies and regulations and the role of nonprofits in the community will also be explored.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7300  Patent and Trade Secret Law  (3 credits)  
Builds on LAW 7232 and covers patent and trade secret law in more detail, including: patent disclosure requirements; patentability; the scope of patent grants; claim interpretation, infringement, and remedies; and trade secrets and their interaction with patents.
Prerequisite: LAW 7232.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7302  Products Liability  (2-3 credits)  
Explores all aspects of the law of products liability. Focuses primarily on the common law development of the subject, but also covers statutory and regulatory aspects of product safety. Torts and Contracts are prerequisites, but is suitable for those who did not cover products liability in their first-year Torts class.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002, LAW 7007.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2018 Spring Term, 2014 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2012 Spring Term  
LAW 7303  Professional Sports Law  (3 credits)  
Covers various legal issues affecting the professional sports industries and focuses on antitrust, labor, contracts, regulations of private associations, regulation of athlete agents and their ethical duties, and intellectual property and sports broadcasting issues.
Prerequisite: Completion of 27 credits. LAW 7125, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7305  Peacemaking and Spirituality  (1 credits)  
Examines the influence of spirituality upon the process of resolving conflict and making peace in the context of intense interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts in multiple settings, including in intimate relationships, friendships, families, workplaces, between communities, among current or former enemies, or within ourselves. During the past two decades, the field of conflict resolution and mediation has grown extensively in multiple settings throughout North America, Europe, and other parts of the world. Whereas conflict resolution theory and practice focuses upon a problem solving model to address the presenting dispute, peacemaking addresses conflict at a much deeper level. Peacemaking is based on a humanistic and transformative theory of conflict that draws heavily upon core values of empowerment, mutual recognition, collaboration, dialogue, and healing, as well as the ancient wisdom and practices of many diverse indigenous cultures throughout the world (including Native American and Celtic traditions). Within the context of these traditions, true peacemaking is inseparable from spirituality, from honoring the sacred and recognizing our interconnectedness. For the purposes of this course, spirituality is not synonymous with the dogma and creeds of the major religious traditions in the world, even though religion for many may serve as a pathway to spirituality. Practices within the major religions of the world that foster peacemaking, however, will be explored, along with the practices from a number of different cultures. Designed to provide a basic understanding of the core principles and practices of peacemaking and spirituality in the context of multiple interpersonal, community, national, and international settings.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7320  Sales  (3 credits)  
An examination of Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, including contract formation, performance, and remedies.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7321  Secured Transactions  (3 credits)  
The study of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code P Secured Transactions. Focuses on the creation of security interests; the perfection of security interests; the priority of security interests; the rights of buyers of secured collateral; and the rights and remedies available for secured creditors and debtors upon default.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7322  Securities Regulation  (3 credits)  
Survey of federal and state laws regulating the market for publicly held securities and their effect on issuers, purchasers, and sellers of securities. Emphasis on the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law.
Prerequisite: LAW 7125, strongly recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7323  Sentencing  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the law of sentencing and examining the procedures and substantive rules governing the imposition of criminal sanctions in both federal and state court systems. Topics include Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, federal sentencing guidelines, sentencing procedure, Wisconsin sentencing law, probation and intermediate sanctions, organizational sentencing, and forfeiture.
Prerequisite: LAW 7140.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7324  Starting and Managing a Law Practice  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and resources to consider self-employment as a means to achieve professional satisfaction. It will address benefits, pitfalls and other considerations in starting and managing a law practice. Specific topics include: selecting a practice focus; securing financing and insurance; learning about and employing technology; attracting and maintaining clients; generating income; hiring and retaining employees; and incorporating into day-to-day professional life the variety of ethical obligations that operate on lawyers who manage their own practices.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7326  Sports Industry Taxation Issues  (2 credits)  
Introduces students to a range of tax law, policy, and practice issues arising in the amateur and professional sports industries, including the construction and financing of sports facilities, college athletics, the compensation of professional athletes (including federal, state, and international tax issues), and the structure and operation of professional sports leagues and franchises (including choice of entity, day to day operations and business sale).
Prerequisite: LAW 7205.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term  
LAW 7327  Sports Law Research  (1-3 credits)  
Students conduct extensive research and analyze preselected resources within the sports industry under the supervision of the director of the National Sports Law Institute. Research and analysis conducted might relate to Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), United States Olympic Committee (USOC), and United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) arbitration decisions, collegiate athletics coaching and administrative contracts, professional sports league agreements (CBA’s, drug testing policies, conduct rules), and professional sports franchise lease agreements. Specific focus of the research conducted is determined by the director each semester.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7331  National Security Law  (2 credits)  
Examines federal legal issues arising in the federal government’s efforts to provide security to its citizens in emergency circumstances, such as against terrorist attacks, but also in the areas of public health, including COVID-19. Topics include the historical roots of executive powers; public health authority; electronic surveillance; investigation of terrorist offenses; detention of enemy combatants; torture; drone strikes; immigration; and the role of the courts. A class on constitutional law or constitutional criminal procedures is recommended but is not required.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7332  Trusts And Estates  (3 credits)  
Examination of intestate succession, wills and various will substitutes, inter vivos and testamentary trusts, future interests in real and personal property, and problems arising in the administration of decedents' estates and trusts.
Prerequisite: LAW 7006.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7340  Workers' Compensation  (3 credits)  
Examination of the legal effects of work-related injuries and diseases, including compensability, employment relationships, causation, medical and legal proof, impairment, benefits, claims procedures, administrative and appellate review, third party suits, insurance, and conflict of laws.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7342  Water Law  (3 credits)  
Examines the legal principles involved in securing, allocating, transferring, managing, and adjudicating water rights for public and private uses. Topics include the prior appropriation doctrine; riparian water rights; groundwater; the public trust doctrine; federal and Indian reserved water rights; water development and distribution; the relationship between water and economic development; water quality; government regulation; federal and constitutional water-related issues; and the economics of water policy.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7401  Seminar: Adoption  (2 credits)  
This seminar examines current legal and policy issues relevant to the field of adoption. Topics, which may be explored, include standards for the termination of parental rights, concerns related to interracial foster care placements or adoptions, and abrogation of adoption.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term, 2014 Fall Term  
LAW 7403  Seminar: Advanced Constitutional Law  (2 credits)  
A seminar course that provides a review of the Supreme Court's most recent constitutional rulings, in-depth treatment of certain topics from the basic constitutional law courses, exposure to several topics normally not covered in those courses, and a survey of emerging constitutional issues.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7406  Seminar: Advanced Legal Writing  (2-3 credits)  
Engages students in advanced exercises in legal writing. The goal is to deepen a student's command of the writing process and to expand a student's ability to develop, structure, and write legal texts for a variety of writing purposes and audiences.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7420  Seminar: Child Maltreatment  (2 credits)  
A seminar which examines the legal, social and psychological dynamics of violence directed at children.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7422  Seminar: Corporate Criminal Liability  (2 credits)  
Study of the legal issues arising from the criminal conduct of publicly held corporations and their employees. Topics addressed include theories of enterprise punishment, the utility of corporate codes of conduct, the attorney-client privilege in a corporate context, criminal RICO prosecutions, liability for mail fraud and false claims, and strategies in responding to the criminal investigation of a corporate client.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7429  Seminar: The Foreign Affairs Constitution  (2 credits)  
A study of the foreign policy dimensions of the U.S. constitution. Examines topics such as the Constitution’s Treaty, War Powers, and Foreign Commerce Clauses; whether customary international law is part of federal common law; the role of international law in Eighth Amendment jurisprudence; and the Federal-state allocation of the authority to conduct foreign affairs.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7435  Seminar: International Intellectual Property  (2 credits)  
Examines the major international agreements related to patents, trademarks, and copyrights and other forms of intellectual property, which include free trade agreements such as the TRIPS Agreement, substantive treaties enforced by the World Intellectual Property Organization, and associated human rights treaties. Focuses on the scope of the protected intellectual property rights, the limits placed on the intellectual property rights, and the enforcement of the intellectual property rights. Particular attention is paid to how international, transnational, and domestic intellectual property institutions are impacted by the existence of the international intellectual property regime.
Prerequisite: LAW 7232 and LAW 7235, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term  
LAW 7445  Seminar: Law and Literature  (2 credits)  
Explores the relationship of law and literature, focusing in particular on the portrayal of law, lawyers, and legal proceedings in selected essays, plays, short stories and novels. How and why is the understanding of justice different in literature than it is in the conventional legal discourse?
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7454  Seminar: Professional and Ethical Identity Formation  (2 credits)  
Students develop their professional identity and explore topics including cultivating civility, respect, and inclusivity in law practice; developing sound professional habits; engaging in reflective, ethical decision-making, and actively maintaining connection to one’s core values and moral identity. Self-care and lawyer well-being are also addressed.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7460  Seminar: Selected Topics  (1-3 credits)  
Seminars on various topics selected by Law School faculty and approved by the Law School Curriculum Committee.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7461  Seminar: Selected Topics in Business and Commercial Law  (2-3 credits)  
This seminar explores various topics in law and policy relating to business and commerce, including business organization and finance, bankruptcy, and corporate criminal liability.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2012 Fall Term, 2012 Spring Term, 2011 Spring Term, 2010 Spring Term  
LAW 7462  Seminar: Selected Topics in Civil Dispute Resolution  (2-3 credits)  
This seminar focuses on selected issues relating to civil litigation, dispute resolution and alternative dispute resolution.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2019 Spring Term, 2008 Fall Term  
LAW 7463  Seminar: Selected Topics in Criminal Law  (2-3 credits)  
This variable topic seminar explores various issues relting to substantive criminal law, criminal procedure and criminal evidence.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2020 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term, 2016 Fall Term, 2013 Spring Term  
LAW 7464  Seminar: Selected Topics in Environmental Law  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic seminar focusing on new or specialized issues in environmental law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7465  Seminar: Selected Topics in Estate Planning  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic seminar that addresses issues that arise in the estate planning context.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7466  Seminar: Selected Topics in Family Law  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic seminar in family issues and policy.
Prerequisite: LAW 7200.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7534  Sentencing: Theory, History, and Policy  (3 credits)  
Considers how sentencing in the United States has traditionally been regarded as a matter of wide judicial discretion. Focuses on such questions as: What purposes should judges seek to further in exercising judicial discretion, and how are these purposes most effectively advanced? What procedural protections should be recognized for defendants and crime victims? How has the sentencing process been structured differently over time and in different jurisdictions? Combines consideration of legal doctrine, theory, practice, and social science.
Prerequisite: LAW 7003.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7567  Seminar: Selected Topics in Health Law  (2-3 credits)  
Selected current issues in health law, including such topics as public health issues; forensic sciences; health care finance and delivery reform; and genetics, behavior and the law.
Prerequisite: LAW 7221.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2014 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2010 Spring Term, 2009 Fall Term  
LAW 7568  Seminar: Selected Topics in Intellectual Property  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic seminar focusing on new or specialized issues in intellectual property law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7569  Seminar: Selected Topics in International, Comparative and Foreign Law  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic seminar focusing on specific issues in international, comparative and foreign law.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2015 Spring Term, 2014 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2011 Spring Term  
LAW 7570  Seminar: Selected Topics in Labor and Employment Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic seminar that addresses issues that arise in the labor and employment law context.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2009 Spring Term  
LAW 7571  Seminar: Selected Topics in Real Estate Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable topic seminar that addresses issues that arise in the real estate context.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2011 Spring Term, 2010 Spring Term, 2009 Spring Term  
LAW 7572  Seminar: Selected Topics in Sports Law  (2 credits)  
This seminar explores selected contemporary legal issues pertaining to professional and amateur sports. Topics may vary from semester to semester. Classes are to be conducted in a discussion format, and each student in the seminar will write a substantial research paper on a specific topic chosen in consultation with the instructor. Students will also make a presentation to the seminar on their research.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Summer Term  
LAW 7573  Seminar: Selected Topics in Taxation  (2-3 credits)  
This seminar will examine topics in tax law and policy.
Prerequisite: LAW 7205.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7581  Seminar: The Supreme Court  (2 credits)  
This seminar will be run as a Supreme Court, with the students assuming the roles of both the justices and, in turns, the lawyers. Specifically, we will usecases that will be argued before the Supreme Court of the United States or the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the semester in which the seminar is offered. The students will be required to orally argue one case and to write one majority opinion and one dissent in cases that other students have argued. The course should be of interest not only to students expecting to engage in appellate advocacy, but also to anyone seeking to improve his or her oral and written legal skills.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004 and LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term  
LAW 7584  Seminar: Current Problems in Tort Law  (2 credits)  
Tort law has always grappled with cutting edge issues created by new technologies. Explores tort law’s applicability to several problems that are currently working their way through the tort system in one form or another: liability issues presented by the expected rise of autonomous vehicles, efforts to hold prescription drug manufacturers liable for the opioid epidemic, the use of tort law as a mechanism for addressing harms caused by climate change, litigation against the National Football League relating to the long-term effects caused by concussions, and tort law’s response to modern privacy harms that occur online. Begins with an exploration of tort theory, designed to expose students to the diverse range of academic approaches to tort law and help develop a deeper understanding of the tort system. Moves on to a discussion of how tort law can and should (or can’t and shouldn’t) respond to the various problems listed above.
Prerequisite: LAW 7007.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7588  Seminar: Wisconsin Legal History  (2 credits)  
The main themes in American legal and constitutional history are explored through a case study of the legal experience of the state of Wisconsin. Topics include Wisconsin's pre-1848 experience as a territory; the drafting of the first state constitution; the role of law in the economic development of the state; legal attitudes concerning ethnicity, race and gender; the development of the legal profession; legal education; progressivism and the rise of the bureaucratic state; and legal recognition of the rights of consumers.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7702  Workshop: Arbitration  (2 credits)  
A professional skills workshop focusing on the techniques for effective participation in arbitration. Students participate in mock arbitrations, including the preparation of arbitration materials, writing briefs and decisions, and role-playing. Relevant statutory and case law is also covered.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7703  Workshop: Advanced Brief Writing  (2-3 credits)  
Offers an opportunity for advanced instruction in brief writing. The skill of writing effective and persuasive briefs is vital for lawyers working in both trial and appellate courts. In this workshop, students engage in drafting exercises that focus on the key parts of a brief: issue statements, introductions, statements of fact, and argument sections. All writing submitted is reviewed and feedback is provided.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7705  Workshop: Appellate Writing and Advocacy  (3 credits)  
A prerequisite to participation in moot court, that introduces students to the appellate process, appellate writing, and oral advocacy. Students study how a case travels through the appellate courts at the state and federal level, the criteria upon which cases are accepted for review, spotting issues for appeal, standards of review, developing a theory of the appeal, drafting an appellate brief, and presenting an oral argument. Students learn these skills in the context of a moot court competition in which they draft an appellate brief and deliver oral arguments.
Prerequisite: LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7710  Workshop: Business Bankruptcy  (2 credits)  
Provides students with the opportunity to learn how to develop a Chapter 11 plan of reorganization. The Chapter 11 process is subdivided into its component parts. Each part is analyzed by solving problems that commonly occur in Chapter 11. Some of the topics to be covered include, first-day orders; executor contracts and leases; collective bargaining agreements; retiree benefits; pension plans; operating rules in Chapter 11; post-petition financing; plan requirements; secured creditor treatment; claims classification; creditor voting; disclosure statements; confirmation problems; cram down methods; 363 sales; pre-packaged plans, and more.
Prerequisite: LAW 7139.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7712  Workshop: Business Planning  (3 credits)  
Examines legal and business issues lawyers face in representing a business organization in its early stages of development. Topics covered include: (1) selecting the appropriate organizational form for the start-up business, (2) addressing control issues and the particular concerns associated with having minority owners, (3) financing the start-up business, (4) compensating employees, including through stock and stock options, (5) giving equity investors exit rights, and (6) addressing common ethical issues lawyers face in representing start-ups. Examines not only these principles and the theories behind them, but also studies how they function in practice, through the lens of hypothetical business transactions.
Prerequisite: LAW 7125.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7715  Workshop: Child Abuse  (2 credits)  
Focuses on developing the skills and competencies necessary for lawyers to deal with allegations of child abuse, whether such allegations arise in the context of civil, criminal, family, or children’s court matters. In particular, students will learn the basic techniques for interviewing children who may have been victims of, or witnesses to, child abuse; how to evaluate evidence of child abuse; how such evidence is and is not permitted to be used in court; and a range of other skills germane to representations that implicate child abuse issues. Students will also draft motions and pleadings designed to enable them to understand the legal issues involved in child abuse matters.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7718  Workshop: Corporate Governance  (2 credits)  
Focuses on all aspects of Corporate Governance and working effectively with a Board of Directors and management of a company. Explores the laws, rules, regulations and practices that govern the establishment and running of U.S. public corporations today, issues and challenges facing shareholders, and directors and senior officers of corporations. Topics include the duty of care, the duty of loyalty and the business judgement rule; proxies and shareholder proposals; proxy advisors, their influence, and the role they play; the nomination, election and removal of directors; executive compensation and shareholder meetings. Current issues and events in Corporate Governance are examined and discussed throughout the course – The WSJ, NYT and other current publications are important sources of information and are the basis of class discussion. Effective presentations and communications in a corporate environment are an important aspect of the course.
Prerequisite: LAW 7125.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7719  Workshop: Corporate Compliance  (2 credits)  
Corporate compliance, one of the fastest growing markets for legal services, addresses the problems of organizations struggling to manage risk, ranging from corruption to data privacy. Explores the process involved in addressing compliance risk. Addresses a number of substantive compliance areas, but the goal is to teach students how to develop a risk-based approach to solve compliance problems.
Prerequisite: LAW 7125.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7720  Workshop: Civil Dispute Resolution:  (2-4 credits)  
This workshop will enhance students' skills in resolving disputes short of litigation. Depending on the instructor's preference, the workshop will focus on mediation, arbitration or negotiation.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2014 Spring Term, 2010 Spring Term, 2007 Fall Term  
LAW 7721  Workshop: Commercial and Business Practice  (2-3 credits)  
Professional skills workshop that focuses on the practical aspects of business and commercial practice, including business planning, drafting business agreements, and the like.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002, LAW 7004 and LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7722  Workshop: Contract Drafting  (2-3 credits)  
Introduces students to the fundamental skills common to drafting and negotiating contracts.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002, LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7723  Workshop: Criminal Law  (2-3 credits)  
This variable topics workshop will enhance students' skills relating to representation of defendants, plea bargaining, pretrial litigation, criminal trials, postconviction representation, and mental commitments tied to criminal prosecutions.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7724  Workshop: Deposition Practice  (2-3 credits)  
This is a professional skills workshop on all aspects of deposition practice, a mainstay of civil litigation. The goal is to enhance your understanding of the rules governing depositions and to develop your skills in taking and defending depositions. Topics include: deciding which persons to depose, preparing and deposing lay and expert witnesses, making appropriate objections, defending lay and expert witnesses at deposition and using depositions at trial.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7727  Workshop: Drafting the Wisconsin Real Estate Transaction  (2 credits)  
Provides experience in drafting documents for a typical commercial real estate transaction in Wisconsin, including negotiating the offer to purchase, obtaining financing, conducting due diligence, and closing the transaction. This will be primarily a drafting course, focusing on the practical aspects of conducting a transaction of this kind. The workshop is appropriate for students considering a general practice, although it will be especially useful for students interested in specializing in real estate law. The class will involve the drafting, negotiating and/or reviewing of the following types of documents and forms: Wisconsin State Bar Form Commercial Offer to Purchase, title insurance commitments and affidavits, ALTA surveys, deeds, and other transactional documents.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7728  Workshop: Criminal Practice  (2 credits)  
A professional skills workshop focusing on pretrial and post-trial practice in criminal cases. Topics include formal and informal discovery; drafting and litigating suppression motions relating to arrests, stops, searches, identifications, and interrogations; plea negotiations and guilty plea procedures; and postconviction motion practice, including ineffective assistance of counsel challenges.
Prerequisite: LAW 7140.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7730  Workshop: Environmental Practice  (2-3 credits)  
This variable topic workshop will enhance students' skills relating to air and water pollution laws, natural resources and hazardous materials.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2016 Spring Term, 2015 Fall Term, 2015 Spring Term, 2014 Spring Term  
LAW 7731  Workshop: Estate Planning  (2-3 credits)  
This variable content workshop focuses on the development of lawyering skills relating to the dispostion of property during lifetime and at death.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
LAW 7740  Workshop: Family Practice and Procedure  (2-3 credits)  
A professional skills workshop focusing on practical aspects of family law practice, such as divorce, custody, adoption and TPR, using Wisconsin law as a starting point. The workshop will also consider the role and responsibility of a GAL under Wisconsin law.
Prerequisite: LAW 7200.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2015 Spring Term, 2014 Spring Term, 2011 Spring Term  
LAW 7750  Workshop: Guardian ad Litem  (2 credits)  
This workshop focuses on the practice of the guardian ad litem. It is structured around three major themes: 1) the guardian ad litem in children's court cases; 2) the guardian ad litem in family court cases; and 3) the guardian ad litem in guardianship, protective placements, and mental health commitment cases.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7761  Workshop: Health Law  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic workshop aimed at developing students' skills relating to a health law practice.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7764  Workshop: Immigration Law - Family  (2 credits)  
Explores a variety of issues in Family-Based Immigration. Topics covered include the various sources of federal administrative law at play in the immigration context, grounds of inadmissibility, and other issues in family-based immigration. Designed to help students learn how to analyze the complex legal issues involved in Family-Based immigration and practice their advocacy skills as they prepare an application, legal brief and supporting evidence for a mock submission to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Prerequisite: LAW 7001.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7765  Workshop: The Impact of Gender Equity Laws on Sport  (2 credits)  
A practical and comprehensive overview of the ways in which gender equity laws and concerns have impacted youth, high school, college and U.S. Olympic sport. Reviews the development of Title IX, the Clery Act, Title VII, the Equal Pay Act, and the Campus Save Act, among other laws. Analyses the following areas of specific application to sport, including; what is considered to be a sport under these laws, the laws’ impact on athletics specific to participation opportunities (the 3 and 2 part tests), the policy interpretation and federal interpretive guidance, program benefits and aid, claims brought by male and female participations, discrimination, sexual harassment, violence, bullying and retaliation, transgender participation, employment discrimination, constitutional law, gender testing and Safesport initiatives.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7770  Workshop: Intellectual Property  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic workshop designed to develop student skills relating to specific areas of intellectual property. Focus of the workshop will vary and may include emphasis upon copyright, patent and trademark litigation, patent and/or trademark prosecution and licensing.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7771  Workshop: Intellectual Property Litigation  (2-3 credits)  
This course is a recreation of an actual intellectual property case through preliminary considerations (such as whether suing is the proper course of action), pleadings, pretrial activities, discovery, trial preparation, evidentiary problems and appellate procedures. Students learn to examine and cross-examine expert and technical witnesses, prepare technical evidence with the assistance of computerized litigation support services, practice presentation of technical subject matter to lay juries and judges, and present evidence regarding the calculation of damages.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term  
LAW 7772  Workshop: Interviewing and Counseling  (2 credits)  
Seeks to inculcate, develop and refine skills of interviewing and counseling, professional skills indispensable to the effective delivery of competent legal services. Whether representing clients in connection with litigated matters, transactions, estate plans or other work, lawyers need to be cognizant of the most effective ways to elicit facts, formulate strategies and render advice. Assists students in grasping both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical realities of interviewing and counseling.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7780  Workshop: Labor and Employment Law  (2-3 credits)  
A professional skills workshop focusing on such issues as collective bargaining, boycotts, strikes, the representation of employers and employees and non-unionized employment claims.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2015 Spring Term, 2014 Fall Term, 2014 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term  
LAW 7782  Workshop: Lawyers & Life  (2-3 credits)  
What, exactly, does it mean to succeed? How can new lawyers maximize the prospects that they will succeed, professionally and personally? This experience aims to equip new lawyers with the capacity to identify, develop, and refine a cluster of skills indispensable to success that receives little attention in the traditional law school curriculum. In particular, the experience will prompt students to examine and employ skills of self-reflection, goal-setting, self-assessment, wellness, resilience, value identification, emotional intelligence, and listening, all toward the end of crafting comprehensive strategies for the pursuit of professional and personal success.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7785  Workshop: Legal and Business Issues in Collegiate Athletics  (2 credits)  
A practical workshop applying the legal doctrines and theories covered in Amateur Sports Law to current legal and business issues affecting the regulation and governance of intercollegiate athletics. Topics covered and practical skills developed may relate to antitrust, contractual and other legal challenges to eligibility and amateurism rules; the history of collegiate athletics scandals and reform; rules violations, and legal challenges to penalties and appeals; student athlete contractual and employment rights; the NCAA's Legislative Services Database (LSDBi) and enforcement of NCAA rules (including proceedings before Committee on Infractions and Infractions Appeals Committee); the student athlete's legal relationship with the NCAA and the university; conference realignment and legal challenges to university, conference, and NCAA authority; university and NCAA duty to educate, academic progress and graduation rates; university and NCAA liability for student athlete harm; legal rights of former student-athletes (e.g., exploitation of right of publicity); the economics of collegiate athletics; and critiques of the collegiate model of athletics.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
LAW 7786  Workshop: Legal and Business Issues in Youth, High School and Recreational Sports  (2 credits)  
A practical workshop applying the legal doctrines and theories covered in Amateur Sports Law to current legal issues affecting the regulation and governance of youth, high school and recreational sports. Topics covered and practical skills developed may relate to participant injuries, liability and immunities; the application of the Federal Volunteer Protection Act; review of constitution/bylaws of youth sports organizations for legal compliance; comparative analysis of high school athletic associations and their status as state actors; limitations on student athlete constitutional and educational rights in youth and high school athletics; the rights of disabled student athletes under the ADA, Rehab Act, and IDEA; waivers and releases of tort liability for injuries; recreational safety and user statutes; legal duties of care and risk management; and participation rights of homeschooled students.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term  
LAW 7787  Workshop: Legal and Business Issues in Esports  (2 credits)  
Esports sits at the intersection of sports, entertainment and media. This hybrid industry regularly presents issues of first impression, requiring a holistic legal approach to address any issues. Examines the fundamental structure of the esports industry and the many complex contractual relationships that comprise it.
Prerequisite: LAW 7303.  
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7790  Workshop: Mediation Advocacy  (3 credits)  
This interactive course introduces students to negotiation and mediation theory and explores strategies and develops skills of effective attorney representation in mediation. The course will examine challenges and choices presented to the attorney from the first client meeting, through preparation of the case and client for mediation, and culminating in the mediation session itself.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7791  Workshop: Mental Health Law  (3 credits)  
This course is designed around the premise that basic understanding of both law and the behavioral sciences is required in order to be an effective advocate in cases involving the two disciplines. The objective of this course is to assist student in understanding psycholegal standards, forensic psychology practices, and concepts of psychopathology relevant to the practice of mental health law. Student will be expected to examine these standards, practices, and concepts critically. Student will engage in in-class exercises covering mental health law issues that are likely to be encountered in cases involving civil commitment, guardianship, the insanity defense, sentencing, child custody, and other civil and criminal issues.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term  
LAW 7798  Workshop: Natural Resources Law  (2 credits)  
Examines the law and policy related to the governance and management of natural resources in the face of competing demands for their preservation and use. Introduces the debate over resource valuation and will survey the statutory and common law regimes governing a variety of resources including public lands, water, wetlands, wildlife, forests, fisheries, and minerals.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2017 Spring Term  
LAW 7800  Workshop: Negotiating Business Transactions - Mergers and Acquisitions  (2-3 credits)  
Determine the best legal structure and financing for your client's start-up. Learn how to structure strategic partnerships and joint ventures between mature and new ventures to protect the divergent interests of both. Plan and negotiate an acquisition from letter of intent, to due diligence, tax planning, financing and drafting the purchase agreement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
LAW 7801  Workshop: Negotiation  (3-4 credits)  
This interactive workshop combines theory and practice in an effort to improve both understanding of the negotiation process and individual effectiveness as a negotiator in a variety of professional and personal contexts. The course emphasizes a variety of relevant skills including effective preparation, persuasion, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students will be given a foundation in the theories and core concepts of the negotiation process and will work on developing practical negotiation skills through rigorous engagement in negotiation simulations, class discussions, and continuous self-assessment and examination of one's negotiation behavior and personal assumptions about the negotiation process.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
LAW 7805  Workshop: Nonprofit Law and Leadership  (2 credits)  
Introduces students to the management, governance and legal matters nonprofit executives and board directors encounter when leading or advising nonprofit organizations. Topics include governance structures and policies, human resources management and developing an effective team, nonprofit budgeting and financial management, fundraising, and measuring outcomes. Students analyze case studies, engage in simulated exercises and complete practical drafting assignments.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7810  Workshop: Patent Drafting and Analysis  (2 credits)  
Covers the strategic decisions and basic skills of drafting patent applications, preparing written responses to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s examination of patent applications, and analyzing issued patents with respect to invalidity and freedom-to-operate opinions.
Prerequisite: LAW 7232 recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term  
LAW 7811  Workshop: Civil Pretrial Practice  (3 credits)  
A professional skills workshop focusing on pretrial practice in civil cases, including client interviewing and counseling, pleading, informal discovery, formal discovery (including depositions, interrogatories, and requests for admissions and for production of documents), and pretrial motion practice.
Prerequisite: LAW 7000; LAW 7191, recommended.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7814  Prosecutor Workshop  (1 credits)  
A workshop for students enrolled in the Prosecutor Clinic. Focus on the development of lawyering skills essential for the criminal prosecutor, including those necessary for analyzing and charging cases, representing the state at initial appearances and the preliminary hearings, litigating pretrial motions, negotiating plea agreements, representing the state at guilty plea hearings and sentencing proceedings, and litigating trials to the court and to the jury.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7815  Workshop: Public Defender  (1 credits)  
A workshop for students enrolled in the Public Defender Clinic. Focuses on the development of lawyering skills essential for the criminal defense attorney, including those necessary for case investigation and analysis, representing defendants at initial appearances and preliminary hearings, litigating pretrial motions, negotiating plea agreements, representing defendants at guilty plea hearings and sentencing proceedings, and litigating trials to the court and to the jury.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term  
LAW 7820  Workshop: Real Estate:  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic professional skills course focusing on commercial real estate transactions.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term  
LAW 7822  Workshop: Renewable Energy Law  (3 credits)  
Focuses on the legal policy, technical framework, and sustainability for electrical energy project development in Wisconsin. Covers the legal policy topics of corporate structuring, financing, taxation, clean energy sections of the 2021 Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Acts, permitting and strategies to support and oppose such projects. Provides a general overview of technical considerations for emerging renewable technologies in Wisconsin such as biomass, waste to energy, geothermal, solar and wind projects. Introduces sustainable development aspects of renewable energy projects to identify impacts to the triple bottom line (social, environmental, and financial). Cross-listed with the College of Engineering to create a diverse classroom and foster a collaborative approach to developing renewable energy projects, consistent with legal and technical partnerships that occur in practice.
Level of Study: Law  
LAW 7830  Workshop: Selected Topics  (1-3 credits)  
Workshops on various topics selected by the Law School faculty and approved by the Law School Curriculum Committee.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7831  Workshop: Selected Topics in International, Comparative, and Foreign Law  (2-3 credits)  
This is a variable content workshop focusing on skills associated with the practice of law in the international context.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2008 Spring Term  
LAW 7841  Workshop: Sports Law  (2-3 credits)  
A variable topic workshop designed to develop practical student skills relating to the representation of sports industry clients. Focus of the workshop will vary and may include emphasis on representing professional leagues and teams, professional athletes, colleges and universities, or other entities in the sports industry.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7842  Workshop: Sports Facilities: Legal and Economic Issues  (2 credits)  
A practical workshop examining legal and economic issues surrounding the development of a professional sports stadium or arena and agreements that define the relationship between a community and team and the facility the team calls home. Examines the reasons for the stadium and arena development and renovation boom; public and private partnerships created to build sports facilities; the debate over the use of public funding for facility creation; the economic viability and impact of the development of a stadium or arena in a community; the ways in which sports facilities are financed and funded; sports facility referenda and legislation that enables a community to build a sports facility; the development of a long-term leasehold arrangement between sports organizations and communities, and involving default, retention, relocation and alternative dispute resolution; litigation challenging government participation in financing, the referenda process and team movement; and trends for the future of stadium development in professional sports in the United States.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7843  Workshop: Sports Industry Governance  (2 credits)  
This course will focus on the intersection of legal and business issues that professional sports leagues and their member clubs encounter on a regular basis and their practical implications. Using the National Football League’s organization, business operations, and litigation experience as a point of reference, the course will examine the tensions between the business objectives of the league, its clubs, players, sponsors and fans as well as the developing legal precedents that govern these relationships.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2016 Fall Term  
LAW 7844  Workshop: Sports Sponsorship - Legal & Business Issues  (2 credits)  
This course will introduce students to a variety of legal and business issues pertaining to sports sponsorship and marketing, particularly contract and intellectual property laws as applied to sports marketing arrangements and sports sponsorship agreements as well as their underlying business objectives and risks. It will focus on the development of practical legal skills including how to effectively negotiate and draft sports sponsorship and marketing contracts, and how to protect a client’s contract and intellectual property rights in connection with sports sponsorship agreements and marketing arrangements.
Prerequisite: None.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
LAW 7847  Workshop: Structuring Transactions - Music Law  (2 credits)  
Introduces students to the many legal issues associated with the music industry. Through hands-on exercises, students work through legal issues they are likely to encounter in representing musical talent, organizations developing musical talent, music marketers and production and performance organizations. By the end, students have a basic working knowledge of typical provisions of recording, music publishing, and performance agreements and an understanding of the underlying copyright, trademark, and publicity rights protection which support such agreements. Students will also have the ability to analyze and evaluate typical music industry transactions and how such transactions should be documented.
Prerequisite: LAW 7002, LAW 7004, LAW 7005.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term  
LAW 7849  Workshop: Trademark and Unfair Competition  (2 credits)  
Builds on LAW 7232 and covers trademark and unfair competition law in more detail, including trademark registration, acquisition, infringement and dilution, and other forms of unfair competition. Simulates counseling a client through the trademark clearance and registration process, advising a client on enforcement strategy, advocating for a client’s trademark rights, and negotiating a settlement in a trademark dispute. Students draft a trademark clearance opinion, application, an office action response, demand letter and settlement agreement.
Prerequisite: LAW 7232.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7851  Workshop: Trial Advocacy 1  (3 credits)  
This workshop introduces students to the fundamental skills required of trial lawyers, including formulation of a case theory, jury selection, opening statements, direct and cross-examination, and closing argument. Students will engage in simulated practice exercises and the course concludes with a mock trial.
Prerequisite: LAW 7191.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7852  Workshop: Trial Advocacy 2 - Civil Trials  (3 credits)  
Builds on the basic skills in Trial Advocacy 1 and also focuses on jury selection, the use of demonstrative exhibits, expert testimony.
Prerequisite: LAW 7851.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7853  Workshop: Trial Advocacy 2 - Criminal Trials  (3 credits)  
Builds on the basic skills introduced in Trial Advocacy 1 with emphasis on criminal evidence rules and procedures.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
LAW 7925  Academic Success Program  (1-3 credits)  
Academic credit may be awarded for work as leaders in the Academic Success Program. Students work closely with faculty members and administrators to support and enhance students’ academic skills. ASP leaders for first-year courses other than Legal Analysis, Writing & Research are selected by the administrator of the Academic Success Program and must complete the training requirements associated with the program and must also attend all required sessions of the course to which they are assigned.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7931  Topics in Law  (1-3 credits)  
Variable topics course which will be cross-listed with other college departments.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2021 Summer Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term  
LAW 7950  Advanced Legal Research  (1-2 credits)  
Variable topic course that focuses on practical legal research strategies leading students to make informed choices about the type and format of resource to use, an efficient method for using resources, and understanding the costs involved with various resources. Students complete a series of research assignments demonstrating appropriate research techniques and problem-solving. Satisfies the advanced legal research requirement.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7955  Advanced Legal Research in Sports Law  (2 credits)  
Trains students in advanced legal research skills specific to researching sports law topics. Focuses on advanced legal research methods and sources needed by practitioners in the amateur (youth, high school, recreational, individual performer and Olympic) and professional sports industries. Research is conducted in primary and secondary legal sources expanding beyond print sources to the internet and industry specific materials. Builds on basic legal research techniques learned from Legal Research and Legal Writing during the first year of law school.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7960  Law Journals  (1-3 credits)  
The Law School publishes or edits several law journals, including the Marquette Law Review, the Marquette Sports Law Review, the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, and the Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review. Selection criteria and requirements for academic credit vary from publication to publication. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7970  Moot Court  (1-2 credits)  
Students may earn credit for researching, drafting, and preparing a brief and oral argument in moot court competitions approved by the Law School faculty. Students on the Executive Board of the Moot Court Board may earn one credit for spending 60 or more hours during a semester on Board work. A total of two credits may be earned over two semesters for Board work. S/U grade assessment
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7975  Client Skills Board  (1-2 credits)  
Students on the Executive Board are eligible for two academic credits, upon successful completion of a minimum of one hundred twenty hours of qualified academic service to the Client Skills Board. Students may earn academic credit for participating in faculty-approved Client Skills Board competitions above the intramural level. A total of two credits may be earned for Executive Board work. General Board members are eligible for one academic credit upon successful completion of a minimum of sixty hours of qualified academic service to the Client Skills Board. Qualified academic service includes attendance at Board meetings and volunteering for Client Skills Board competitions. A total of one credit may be earned over two semesters for Board work.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term  
LAW 7976  Client Skills Board Competitions  (1-2 credits)  
Client Skills Board team members are eligible for academic credit for participating in competitions above the intramural level. One academic credit will be awarded for each competition above the intramural level. If completely new problems are assigned at each level of competition (i.e. Regionals and Nationals), student may be eligible for competing at each level.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term  
LAW 7978  Trial Skills Competition  (1-2 credits)  
Students may earn credit for participating in trial skills competitions approved by the Law School faculty.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
LAW 7980  Judicial Internship - Appellate  (1-3 credits)  
Internship offering students an opportunity to intern with a federal or state appellate court judge. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7981  Judicial Internship - Trial  (2-3 credits)  
Internship offering students an opportunity to intern with a trial court judge. Placements are made with Milwaukee circuit court judges. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7982  Mediation Clinic  (2-3 credits)  
A live-client, on-campus legal clinic providing law-based training for law students, education about the law for the Milwaukee Community, and legal service to low income residents of Milwaukee. This course may be taken a second semester with the permission of the instructor. S/U grade assessment
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7983  Restorative Justice Clinic  (2 credits)  
Under the direct supervision of the professor, Restorative Justice clinical students help design and implement restorative approaches to assist Milwaukee academic, governmental and community groups address specific challenges. For example, students may work with prosecutors’ offices, judges, police, and teachers. Additionally, students assist in the creation and implementation of specific victim/offender dialogues in serious crimes. Clinical students are also responsible for researching some of the issues arising in the context of the clinic. Restorative Justice workshop is preferred but not required. Preference is given to students who have taken the workshop.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7984  Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic  (3 credits)  
Students actively counsel entrepreneurs and new businesses in key legal matters under the supervision of a licensed attorney.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7987  Supervised Fieldwork  (1-3 credits)  
This program provides students with the opportunity to intern with a variety of governmental and public service agencies under the supervision of a faculty member and under the guidance of agency lawyers. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
LAW 7995  Directed Research  (1-4 credits)  
Academic credit may be awarded for directed research under the supervision of a full-time or emeritus faculty member by students who have completed 27 credit hours. The directed research must result in a substantial paper of independent integrity that satisfies the requirements for advanced writing under Section 201(5) of the Law School Academic Regulations. One hour of credit is awarded for each 60 hours of directed research. A student may not take more than two credit hours of Directed Research and/or Graduate Assistant in a semester. A student may not apply more than six hours of Directed Research and/or Graduate Assistant to the requirements for graduation.
Prerequisite: Cons. of instr., cons. of Associate Dean.  
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2023 Spring Term  
LAW 7997  Graduate Assistant  (0.5-3 credits)  
Academic credit may be awarded for service as a graduate assistant under the supervision of a full-time or emeritus faculty member by students who have completed 27 credit hours. One hour of credit is awarded for each 60 hours of service. A student may not take more than two credit hours of Directed Researchand/or Graduate Assistant in a semester. A student may not apply more than six hours of Directed Research and/or Graduate Assistant to the requirements for graduation. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Law  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term