Gender & Sexualities Studies (INGS)

INGS 1001  Introduction to Gender and Sexualities Studies  (3 credits)  
Provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary study of gender and sexualities. Uses an intersectional framework to examine gender, gender roles, expectations and privileges. Students learn and utilize key terms and concepts in the field such as gender, sexuality, embodiment, feminism, womanism, patriarchy and more. Examines how people across differing races/ethnicities, classes, sexual identities and nationalities in various historical periods have made sense of, assumed, articulated and struggled against gendered identities.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: Engage Social Systms & Values 1  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Gender and Sexualities Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
INGS 4995  Independent Study in Gender and Sexualities Studies  (1-3 credits)  
Supervised study of a specific area or topic in Gender and Sexualities Studies.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Gender and Sexualities Studies  
INGS 4997  Gender and Sexualities Studies Capstone  (3 credits)  
Capstone course is designed to enable upper-level students, and especially INGS majors and minors, to integrate the knowledge and experience gained in INGS courses and use that knowledge and experience as a springboard for future work.
Prerequisite: INGS 1001 and two other INGS courses or cons. of program director.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Gender and Sexualities Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term