Greek (GREK)

GREK 1001  Elementary Greek 1  (4 credits)  
Morphology and syntax of Attic Greek of the 5th-4th centuries B.C., the basis for all later literary dialects, such as Hellenistic and Koine (the language of the New Testament), and extending into the Byzantine period. Grammar exercises and readings of original texts. Open to students with no previous study of Greek or by departmental placement.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
GREK 1002  Elementary Greek 2  (4 credits)  
Continuation of GREK 1001. Exercises in Attic Greek morphology and syntax. Composition in Ancient Greek. Development of translation and comprehension abilities with extensive reading from original texts of Aristophanes, Demosthenes and the New Testament.
Prerequisite: GREK 1001.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term  
GREK 2001  Intermediate Greek 1  (3 credits)  
Review of Greek morphology and syntax, with connected readings from Greek prose authors including Plato.
Prerequisite: GREK 1002; or by departmental placement.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2015 Fall Term  
GREK 2002  Intermediate Greek 2  (3 credits)  
Extensive readings in Greek from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Background readings and discussions on the nature of oral epic, the Mycenaean world and the archaeological evidence for the Trojan War. Study of dactylic hexameter meter and metrical reading of Homeric lines.
Prerequisite: GREK 2001; or by departmental placement.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
GREK 3500  Studies in Classical Greek Literature  (1-3 credits)  
Variable readings in Classical Greek literature. May be repeated when course content is different.
Prerequisite: GREK 2002; or cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
GREK 4931  Topics in Greek Language, Culture and Literature  (1-3 credits)  
Topics vary. Subject to be announced.
Prerequisite: Sr. stndg. or cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2011 Spring Term, 2010 Fall Term, 2008 Spring Term, 2007 Spring Term  
GREK 4995  Independent Study in Greek  (1-3 credits)  
Faculty-supervised, independent study/research of a specific area or topic in Greek.
Prerequisite: Cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2018 Fall Term, 2017 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term, 2010 Fall Term  
GREK 5931  Topics in Greek Language, Culture and Literature  (1-3 credits)  
Topics vary. Subject to be announced.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2010 Fall Term  
GREK 6204  Greek for Reading Knowledge  (3 credits)  
Provides an overview of Classical and New Testament Greek grammar, reading comprehension of basic texts and translation practice for graduate students who plan to use Greek in their field of research. May only be taken for credit and may not be audited.
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Graduate School.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2014 Fall Term