Business Administration - Exec (EXBU)

EXBU 6191  Teams and Performance  (1 credits)  
Concentrates on the issues of forming effective teams, group processes, and group development. Participants will be evaluated in terms of the overall team performance, as well as through peer evaluations by team members. Topics include: team building activities, developing group visions, group versus individual decision making, and strategies for improving team performance. S/U grade assessment.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6500  Managerial Economics  (3 credits)  
Applied microeconomic analysis supplemented with selected econometric techniques. Examines the demand, production, and cost theories that are the core of micro-economics. Considers such topics as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, various approaches to time series data analysis, and forecasting. Focus is on how these forms of analysis provide useful input into the managerial decision-making process.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6505  Strategic Management Introduction  (3 credits)  
Presents frameworks and tools for formulating successful strategies. Focuses on identifying and analyzing the internal and external sources of competitive advantage available to the firm and on developing strategies to access these sources of profitability. Strategy is viewed as a link between the firm and its environment. Implies that there are two primary areas of analysis: the external industry environment of the firm and the internal environment of the firm (the resources and capabilities it possesses).
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6510  Accounting for Managerial Decisions  (4 credits)  
Emphasizes the role of accounting as a financial information system for managerial decisions. Since course participants will have had differing exposure to financial accounting, the basic financial accounting concepts and procedures will be covered first. Then, specific managerial accounting techniques and concepts will follow. Short cases, term projects and a computerized operational planning exercise will be used to learn the value of budgeting as a planning tool. Each of the major assignments will require written and oral reports.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6515  Business Law  (2 credits)  
Law establishes the parameters within which business transactions must be conducted and the mechanisms and standards by which disputes must be resolved. Just as athletes cannot hope to win unless they know the rules, business managers must have a basic understanding of fundamental business law principles if they are to know how best to structure and to carry out transactions for the benefit of the organization. Just as importantly, business managers must be sufficiently sensitive to legal matters to know when to seek professional legal assistance.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Summer Term  
EXBU 6525  Strategic International Marketing  (4 credits)  
An integrated approach to marketing from a managerial point of view. Makes use of economic, quantitative and behavior concepts in analyzing and developing a framework for the decision-making and implementation of the firm's marketing program. Special emphasis is given to marketing across the globe.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
EXBU 6530  Corporate Finance  (3 credits)  
Focuses on the application of financial theory on managerial decision. Topics include: the areas of risk, valuation, capital structure, mergers and acquisitions, and investment decisions. These issues are addressed through case studies of successful and unsuccessful financial strategies.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
EXBU 6545  Global Macroeconomics  (3 credits)  
Macroeconomics is one of the two major branches of economics, the other branch being microeconomics. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behavior of key economic aggregates, total output (GDP) and its growth rate, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate and the foreign exchange rate. There are many other economic aggregates that are related to one or more of these key macroeconomic variables including income, wealth, money, consumption, investment, wages, productivity, interest rates, trade balance and capital flows. These, too, are of concern in macroeconomics. Explores the overall global macroeconomic environment within which businesses operate. Focuses on the general state of the business cycle and the related economic issues of savings, investment, the balance of payments, and money and examines their impact on the problems of inflation and unemployment. Considers various measures used to track the business cycle and build simple models of the macro economy, interest rates and exchange rates. Uses these models to examine the role of fiscal and monetary policy in stabilizing the economy and how various global economic measures (inflation, interest rates, exchange rates) are related. Provides insight that contributes to intelligent business decision making.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6550  Information Technology  (3 credits)  
Examines various emerging information technologies, possibly including data communications and networking, object-oriented design, expert systems, and group computing software. Emphasis is placed on understanding how to assess the potential application of these technologies to business problems, and on the process of assimilating these technologies within the organizations.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
EXBU 6560  Business Analytics  (3 credits)  
Examines quantitative aspects of managerial decision making. Introduces models and methods that are widely used for the analysis of a variety of managerial problems. Topics may include: linear programming, transportation models, networks, project management, queuing and simulation.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6571  Ethical and Societal Issues in Business  (1.5 credits)  
Examines the impact of business on society, and the impact of ethical and societal issues on business. Objectives include: improving the student's ability to recognize and identify ethical issues, placing ethical issues in an organizational context, and improving the student's ability to reason toward a satisfactory resolution.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
EXBU 6572  Corporate Social Responsibility and Applied Ethics  (1.5 credits)  
Introduction to the descriptive, normative and prescriptive elements of moral theory and their application to business. Students will gain familiarity with classical theories of right and wrong, good and bad, distributive justice and rights. These frameworks will then be applied to moral dilemmas in business. Pedagogical approaches may include case studies and research of current and classical ethical issues in business. Particular attention will be paid to international and global aspects of current corporate practices.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6580  Leading People and Change in Organizations  (3 credits)  
Investigates the impact of human behavior on organizations and investigates how managers can predict and influence such behavior. Begins by focusing on the individual, then the group, and finally the organization as a whole. Topics include: interpersonal perception, motivation, conflict, leadership, corporate culture and organizational change.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6590  Global Supply Chain  (3 credits)  
Examines issues critical to service and manufacturing operations. Topics include: just-in-time systems, total quality management, sourcing and logistics, technology transfer, and risk management. Emphasis will be given to globalization of operations.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBU 6931  Topics in Executive Business  (1-4 credits)  
Topics will vary.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term  
EXBU 6995  Independent Study in Executive Business  (1-3 credits)  
Faculty-supervised, independent study/research of a specific area or topic in Executive Business.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program; and cons. of M.B.A. prog. dir.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2016 Summer Term, 2013 Summer Term  
EXBU 6997  Strategic Management Capstone  (1.5 credits)  
Project-based class that presents an opportunity to understand and comment on a firm's strategic management, including interviewing the president or CEO. Project to include an appraisal on the firm's strategy and perspectives on what has been learned.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Executive M.B.A. program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
EXBUI 6931  Topics in Executive Business-International  (0-3 credits)  
Topics in Executive Business taught in an international setting by Marquette professors. Students earn Marquette credit. Study Abroad fees apply.
Prerequisite: Cons. of the Office of International Education.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2022 Spring Term