Endodontics (ENDO)

ENDO 6000  Clinical Patient Care-Endodontics  (3 credits)  
Designed to account for time dental graduate residents spend providing patient care. S/U grade assessment.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
ENDO 6011  Advanced Endodontology 1  (1 credits)  
Advanced endodontics follows in sequence from pulp biology and covers diagnostic and treatment aspects of endodontology.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term, 2021 Summer Term  
ENDO 6012  Pulp Biology  (1 credits)  
Pulp biology is considered from the physiologic, anatomic, cellular and immunologic aspects. Also covers, in detail, neural and vascular components of the pulp tissues.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
ENDO 6013  Advanced Endodontology 2  (1 credits)  
Covers advanced instrumentation in endodontic therapy as well as pulpal regeneration techniques.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program and ENDO 6011.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
ENDO 6301  Endodontics Clinic and Case Review 1  (3 credits)  
Complete diagnosis and treatment of clinic cases using all available diagnostic aids and treatment modalities. Endodontic surgical cases are performed. Clinical cases are presented for discussion.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
ENDO 6302  Endodontics Clinic and Case Review 2  (3 credits)  
Continuation in clinic and case review series. Complete diagnosis and treatment of clinic cases using all available diagnostic aids and treatment modalities. Endodontic surgical cases are performed. Clinical cases are presented for discussion.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
ENDO 6303  Endodontics Clinic and Case Review 3  (3 credits)  
Continuation in clinic and case review series. Complete diagnosis and treatment of clinic cases using all available diagnostic aids and treatment modalities. Endodontic surgical cases are performed. Clinical cases are presented for discussion.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
ENDO 6304  Endodontics Clinic and Case Review 4  (3 credits)  
Continuation in clinic and case review series. Complete diagnosis and treatment of clinic cases using all available diagnostic aids and treatment modalities. Endodontic surgical cases are performed. Clinical cases are presented for discussion.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
ENDO 6371  Endodontics Literature and Book Review 1  (3 credits)  
Discussion of current and classic literature, library research; review current textbooks, conventions and dental meetings. Some lectures by graduate students relating endodontics to the other disciplines, systemic health and potential areas of research.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
ENDO 6372  Endodontics Literature and Book Review 2  (3 credits)  
Continuation in literature and book review series. Discussion of current and classic literature, library research; review current textbooks, conventions and dental meetings. Some lectures by graduate students relating endodontics to the other disciplines, systemic health and potential areas of research.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
ENDO 6373  Endodontics Literature and Book Review 3  (3 credits)  
Continuation in literature and book review series. Discussion of current and classic literature, library research; review current textbooks, conventions and dental meetings. Some lectures by graduate students relating endodontics to the other disciplines, systemic health and potential areas of research.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term  
ENDO 6374  Endodontics Literature and Book Review 4  (3 credits)  
Continuation in literature and book review series. Discussion of current and classic literature, library research; review current textbooks, conventions and dental meetings. Some lectures by graduate students relating endodontics to the other disciplines, systemic health and potential areas of research.
Prerequisite: Admitted to Endodontics program.  
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term