Communication Studies (CMST)

CMST 2000  Group Communication  (3 credits)  
Examines theories, principles and methods of small group communication. Focuses on such topics as: leadership, problem solving, roles, norms and climate. Takes a systems approach to groups and students have hands-on experience in a decision-making group.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
CMST 2010  Professional Interviewing and Networking  (3 credits)  
Stresses communication theory and current research related to interviewing. Provides in-class practice with interchanging roles as interviewer/interviewee in several types of interviews. Current research in interviewing techniques, assistance in resume preparation and legal guidelines for questions are among the topics for discussion.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
CMST 2300  Business Communication  (2 credits)  
Provides students with the opportunity to explore and develop the presentation skills necessary for success within the context of business through a study of communication and theory. Includes informative, persuasive, and small group presentations, as well as an emphasis on critical thinking, listening, non-verbal and technological presentation skills. Students may not receive credit for both CMST 2300 and COMM 1100.
Prerequisite: Soph. Stndg. and enrolled in College of Business.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 2310  Public Speaking and Argumentation  (3 credits)  
Explores the role of argumentation and public speaking in public engagement in contemporary society. Includes analysis and application of various theories and methods of argumentation in public settings through oral and written communication. Areas include identification of fallacies, refutation, forms of argument and formal and informal logic. Criticism and critical listening skills are also emphasized.
Prerequisite: COMM 1100 or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 2961  Leadershape  (0 credits)  
The LeaderShape Institute challenges participants to lead with integrity while working towards a vision grounded in their deepest values. Participants explore not only what they want to do, but who they want to be. Dynamic, challenging and exciting, the week is intended to produce a breakthrough in the leadership capacity of participants—benefiting them individually, as well as their respective communities and the organizations they go on to lead and serve in the future. Students accepted into the C-Lead concentration participate in a week long seminar, along with students from engineering and business, where they are exposed to multiple aspects of leadership and team building.
Prerequisite: Admitted to the C-Lead program.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
CMST 3000  Theories in Communication Studies  (3 credits)  
Surveys major theoretical approaches to communication studies, reviews the history of the discipline and introduces students to basic research methods in the field.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: Writing Intensive  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 3120  Interpersonal Communication  (3 credits)  
Examines person-to-person communication with a focus on such topics as social roles, conflict management, relationship development, perception, communication effectiveness and relevant theories.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 or HECM minor, or con. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: Engage Social Systms & Values 2  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Peace Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 3200  Organizational Communication  (3 credits)  
Presents historical and current perspectives on the origins and usefulness of organizational theories as they relate to communication issues. Emphasizes the relationship between organizational life and communication principles. Ultimate goals, assumptions and cases relating to organizational communication theories are developed and discussed.
Prerequisite: ADVE, CCOM, CMST, or PURE major or minor; or HECM minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Basic Needs & Justice  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term  
CMST 3300  Persuasion  (3 credits)  
Surveys theories, principles, and practices of persuasion. Special emphasis on the social, psychological and cultural study of influence.
Prerequisite: ADVE, CCOM, CMST, HECM, FMST or PURE majors and minors; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 3964  Leadership Mentor Program  (0 credits)  
Students are assigned a mentor who is in an established leadership role. Students shadow that individual during scheduled opportunities during the spring and fall terms. Students document their experiences and work with their leader mentor to explore the concept of leadership and leadership styles.
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the C-Lead program.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 4100  Advanced Interpersonal Communication  (3 credits)  
Examines major theoretical perspectives and concepts relevant to interpersonal communication in close personal relationships. Using a lecture-discussion format, focuses on the development and testing of interpersonal communication theory through research. Multiple theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches geared toward understanding interpersonal communication are studied. Focuses on integrating research, theory and skills to recognize and claim the personal agency interpersonal communication affords us in shaping our quality of life.
Prerequisite: Soph. stdng., COMM 1100 and CMST 3120.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2020 Fall Term  
CMST 4110  Family Communication  (3 credits)  
Introduces communication phenomena in the family setting. Examines how communication affects the development, maintenance and enhancement of family relations.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, CMST 3120, Soph. stndg.; or INFS minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Individuals & Communities  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Family Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2018 Fall Term, 2015 Fall Term, 2013 Fall Term  
CMST 4120  Gendered Communication  (3 credits)  
Examines the relationship between gender and communication. Includes discussion of verbal and nonverbal communication patterns of males and females, various explanations for these patterns, perceptions of gender differences and the implications these perceptions have for people in several contexts (public, interpersonal and organizational).
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 and CMST 3120, Soph. stndg.; or INFS minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Crossing Boundaries  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Family Studies, Gender and Sexualities Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term, 2014 Fall Term  
CMST 4130  Communication and Urban Families  (3 credits)  
Investigates communication about urban families, the communication links between urban families and institutions and communication practices within urban families. Emphasizes the diversity among urban families as well as the stressors and strengths found in the urban context.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 and CMST 3120, Soph. stndg.; or INFS minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Family Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2014 Fall Term, 2007 Fall Term, 2005 Spring Term, 2003 Spring Term  
CMST 4140  Intergenerational Communication  (3 credits)  
Introduces communication phenomena from across generations and within the family setting. Focuses on the role of communication in intergenerational interactions within a wide variety of contexts including: interpersonal, workplace, familial, health and mediated technology; also examines how communication affects the development, maintenance, and enhancement of family relations.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 and Soph. stndg.; or INFS minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Individuals & Communities  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term  
CMST 4150  Communication and Conflict  (3 credits)  
Communication and conflict explores theoretical and experiential avenues to conflict management, resolution, and regulation through communication styles and methods. The communicative contexts for investigation are interpersonal and organizational (profit and non-profit). Exercises and case studies provide an opportunity to implement theoretical learning from the course.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or INPS major or minor; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Basic Needs & Justice  
Interdisciplinary Studies: International Affairs, Peace Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term  
CMST 4170  Communication of Comedy  (3 credits)  
Communicating through humor can be an important way to make conversations more memorable, group interactions more compelling and causes more accessible. Introduction to theories and research of how comedy and humor function in communication. Analysis and application of comedy to interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, organizational communication, group identity, politics and persuasion.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term  
CMST 4230  Managerial Communication  (3 credits)  
The communication relationship between managers and employees involves a set of circumstances not often found in everyday communication with friends and colleagues. The differences in power, knowledge, job description, and life experiences create many unique and challenging interactions. Takes an in-depth look at the circumstances which affect communication between managers and their employees as well as at a number of theories and strategies for improving communication in the workplace.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2018 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term  
CMST 4240  Communication, Innovation and Change  (3 credits)  
A forward-looking assessment of the role that communication plays in the spread of new ideas. Examines the influence of technological and social innovation in individual, organizational and societal contexts. Investigates the effects of innovation when dealing with progressive change and managing social interactions.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term, 2019 Spring Term  
CMST 4250  Leadership and Communication  (3 credits)  
Explores communication variables involved when leaders attempt to influence members to achieve a goal. Topics include: power, credibility, motivation, research on leader traits, styles and situations and current models of leadership such as transactional, transformational, charismati, and functional approaches. The different leadership challenges posed by community and institutional settings are also explored.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
CMST 4310  Ethics in Human Communication  (3 credits)  
Explores theoretical and practical ethical questions of importance to responsible communicators in personal and public contexts. Discussion of ethical theories in communication studies provide an opportunity to explore case studies and contemporary communication dilemmas critically, while heightening personal sensitivity to the underlying ethical implications of human communication.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 and soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
CMST 4350  Modern Rhetorical Theory and Criticism  (3 credits)  
Discusses contemporary theoretical and critical approaches to the description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of public discourse. Examines and applies principles established by such theorists as Kenneth Burke, Ernest G. Bormann, Chaim Perelman and Stephen Toulmin, among others.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, CMST 3300 and soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
CMST 4400  Cross-Cultural Communication  (3 credits)  
Cross-cultural communication offers a comparison of communicative behavior phenomena across national cultures and examines the influence of national group identity on communicative practice among groups in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Global in scope, with a social justice emphasis, this course addresses a dynamic and mobile world as it seeks to provide an analytical framework for dissecting and understanding issues of hegemony, equity, and conflict management in cross-cultural exchanges.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Crossing Boundaries  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Africana Studies, Peace Studies  
Last four terms offered: 2019 Summer Term, 2018 Summer Term, 2017 Summer Term, 2016 Summer Term  
CMST 4410  Intercultural Communication  (3 credits)  
Intercultural communication in the United States explores the dynamics of interpersonal interaction and obstacles to those interactions between U.S. co-cultures. Examines the impact of identity on intercultural relationships; as well as the interpersonal patterns of selected co-cultural groups within the United States with the aim of improving individual communication competency and cultural understanding.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Crossing Boundaries  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Africana Studies, Asian Studies, International Affairs  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term, 2022 Summer Term  
CMST 4500  Health Communication  (3 credits)  
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication. Examines the role of communication in health care with a focus on provider training and the provider-patient relationship. Theoretical models for developing effective health communication programs are discussed and applied within a variety of health care settings.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or enrolled in the College of Health Sciences or the College of Nursing; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Basic Needs & Justice  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
CMST 4520  Health Communication Campaigns  (3 credits)  
Designed to enhance student understanding of theories that guide health communication campaigns with a particular focus on message design principles. Discuss issues related to social, emotional and interpersonal influences on health risk perception and behavioral outcome. Particularly relevant to students interested in topics including health message design, social influence on health behaviors and emotional appeals in health communication.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, soph. stndg.; or enrolled in the College of Health Sciences or the College of Nursing; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term  
CMST 4530  Patient-Centered Communication  (3 credits)  
Provides an understanding of the importance of patient-centered communication skills. Topics include components, benefits and barriers of good communication; empathetic listening; verbal and non-verbal assessment cues; patient involvement in care coordination; interpersonal and intergenerational variations that affect the patient-provider relationship; managing patient-provider conflict; having difficult conversations about health; managing difficult patients; and getting patient buy-in with electronic communication.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or enrolled in the College of Health Sciences or College of Nursing; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 4570  Cultural Diversity in Health Communication  (3 credits)  
Prepares students to work in a health-related field by learning to successfully communicate with medical practitioners/providers and patients from diverse populations. Sensitizes students to the issues and concerns of cultural context and resulting potentials for unequal or disparate health care among co-cultural groups and vulnerable populations, and ensures successful communication among all parties striving for patient wellness.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, soph. stndg.; or enrolled in the College of Health Sciences or the College of Nursing; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term  
CMST 4600  Communication Consulting  (3 credits)  
Introduction to communication consulting and the design implementation of communication audits for corporate and non-profit settings. Surveys various models of consulting. Learn to design and implement a communication audit that includes needs assessment, interpretation, and recommendations. Methods of audits include survey design, interviews and focus groups.
Prerequisite: CMST 3200, Jr. stndg.; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 4810  Directing Speech Activities  (3 credits)  
Theory and practice in the organization and management of co-curricular speech activities in high school and college.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
CMST 4953  Seminar in Communication Studies  (1-3 credits)  
Topics vary. Topics of seminar to be announced in the Schedule of Classes.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Soph. stndg.; or con. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term, 2016 Spring Term  
CMST 4961  Special Institute/Workshop/Project in Communication Studies  (1-3 credits)  
Project in Communication Studies to be determined by the instructor.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Jr. stndg.; or con. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
CMST 4986  Internship in Communication Studies  (0-3 credits)  
Provides students with the opportunity to apply theories, skills and techniques in communication as believed appropriate within specific organizational settings. S/U grade assessment.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000 and Soph. stndg.; or con. of instr., CMST 3200 recommended.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: Engage Social Systms & Values 2  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
CMST 4995  Independent Study in Communication Studies  (1-3 credits)  
Faculty-supervised, independent study/research of a specific area or topic in Communication Studies. 1-3 credits.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Jr. stndg; or cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
CMST 4997  Communication and Contemporary Issues  (3 credits)  
A capstone experience for Communication Studies majors. Examines communication theories and principles in the context of contemporary events and social issues. Students conduct original communication research and apply theories to specific communication contexts and practices.
Prerequisite: CMST 3000, must have completed at least 21 additional credit hours in the CMST major; or cons. of instr.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
CMST 4999  Senior Thesis  (1-3 credits)  
The application of rigorous methodology in developing and writing a thesis under the direction of an adviser.
Prerequisite: COMM 1000, Sr. stndg.; or cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Summer Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2020 Spring Term  
CMST 5110  Family Communication  (3 credits)  
Introduces communication phenomena in the family setting. Examines how communication affects the development, maintenance and enhancement of family relations.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2015 Fall Term, 2013 Fall Term, 2011 Summer Term  
CMST 5120  Gendered Communication  (3 credits)  
Examines the relationship between gender and communication. Includes discussion of verbal and nonverbal communication patterns of males and females, various explanations for these patterns, perceptions of gender differences and the implications these perceptions have for people in several contexts (public, interpersonal and organizational).
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2019 Fall Term, 2016 Fall Term, 2013 Spring Term  
CMST 5130  Communication and Urban Families  (3 credits)  
Investigates communication about urban families, the communication links between urban families and institutions and communication practices within urban families. Emphasizes the diversity among urban families as well as the stressors and strengths found in the urban context.
Level of Study: Graduate  
CMST 5140  Intergenerational Communication  (3 credits)  
Introduces communication phenomena from across generations and within the family setting. Focuses on the role of communication in intergenerational interactions within a wide variety of contexts including: interpersonal, workplace, familial, health and mediated technology; also examines how communication affects the development, maintenance, and enhancement of family relations.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Fall Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Fall Term, 2018 Fall Term  
CMST 5230  Managerial Communication  (3 credits)  
The communication relationship between managers and employees involves a set of circumstances not often found in everyday communication with friends and colleagues. The differences in power, knowledge, job description, and life experiences create many unique and challenging interactions. Takes an in-depth look at the circumstances which affect communication between managers and their employees as well as at a number of theories and strategies for improving communication in the workplace.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2022 Spring Term, 2014 Fall Term, 2013 Fall Term, 2011 Fall Term  
CMST 5250  Leadership and Communication  (3 credits)  
Explores communication variables involved when leaders attempt to influence members to achieve a goal. Topics include: power, credibility, motivation, research on leader traits, styles and situations and current models of leadership such as transactional, transformational, charismati, and functional approaches. The different leadership challenges posed by community and institutional settings are also explored.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2013 Spring Term  
CMST 5400  Cross-Cultural Communication  (3 credits)  
Cross-cultural communication offers a comparison of communicative behavior phenomena across national cultures and examines the influence of national group identity on communicative practice among groups in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Global in scope, with a social justice emphasis, this course addresses a dynamic and mobile world as it seeks to provide an analytical framework for dissecting and understanding issues of hegemony, equity, and conflict management in cross-cultural exchanges.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2015 Fall Term, 2014 Fall Term, 2013 Fall Term, 2012 Fall Term  
CMST 5410  Intercultural Communication  (3 credits)  
Intercultural communication in the United States explores the dynamics of interpersonal interaction and obstacles to those interactions between U.S. co-cultures. Examines the impact of identity on intercultural relationships; as well as the interpersonal patterns of selected co-cultural groups within the United States with the aim of improving individual communication competency and cultural understanding.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Summer Term  
CMST 5500  Health Communication  (3 credits)  
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication. Examines the role of communication in health care with a focus on provider training and the provider-patient relationship. Theoretical models for developing effective health communication programs are discussed and applied within a variety of health care settings.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Fall Term  
CMST 5520  Health Communication Campaigns  (3 credits)  
Designed to enhance student understanding of theories that guide health communication campaigns with a particular focus on message design principles. Discuss issues related to social, emotional and interpersonal influences on health risk perception and behavioral outcome. Particularly relevant to students interested in topics including health message design, social influence on health behaviors and emotional appeals in health communication.
Level of Study: Graduate  
CMST 5530  Patient-Centered Communication  (3 credits)  
Provides an understanding of the importance of patient-centered communication skills. Topics include components, benefits and barriers of good communication; empathetic listening; verbal and non-verbal assessment cues; patient involvement in care coordination; interpersonal and intergenerational variations that affect the patient-provider relationship; managing patient-provider conflict; having difficult conversations about health; managing difficult patients; and getting patient buy-in with electronic communication.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term  
CMST 5570  Cultural Diversity in Health Communication  (3 credits)  
Prepares students to work in a health-related field by learning to successfully communicate with medical practitioners/providers and patients from diverse populations. Sensitizes students to the issues and concerns of cultural context and resulting potentials for unequal or disparate health care among co-cultural groups and vulnerable populations, and ensures successful communication among all parties striving for patient wellness.
Level of Study: Graduate  
CMST 5600  Communication Consulting  (3 credits)  
Introduction to communication consulting and the design implementation of communication audits for corporate and non-profit settings. Surveys various models of consulting. Learn to design and implement a communication audit that includes needs assessment, interpretation, and recommendations. Methods of audits include survey design, interviews and focus groups.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
CMST 5810  Directing Speech Activities  (3 credits)  
Theory and practice in the organization and management of co-curricular speech activities in high school and college.
Level of Study: Graduate  
CMST 5953  Seminar in Communication Studies  (1-3 credits)  
Topics vary. Topics of seminar to be announced in the Schedule of Classes.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2021 Spring Term, 2020 Spring Term, 2019 Spring Term, 2017 Spring Term  
CMST 6200  Organizational Communication  (3 credits)  
Explores historical, contemporary and ideological approaches to the study and practice of organizational communication. Topics include: organizational culture, workplace relationships, participation and decision-making, organizational change, organizational justice, and organizational communication consulting.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2020 Fall Term, 2019 Spring Term  
CMST 6600  Communication Consulting  (3 credits)  
Designed to acquaint students with significant issues pertaining to the design, implementation and assessment of communication consulting projects. Students are introduced to communication consulting and the design and implementation of consulting in various settings and industries. Students learn how data is gathered, analyze real organizational communication data and use their knowledge to offer theory-grounded recommendations to a client. Addresses ethical issues connected with consulting work. Students work on their own and with a team to complete a consulting project for a client.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term, 2019 Fall Term