Advertising (ADVE)

ADVE 1400  Advertising Principles  (3 credits)  
An overview of advertising as it relates to marketing and mass media. The course examines the advertising industry, including advertisers, advertising media and ad agencies, advertising history, its social and economic effects, advertising law and ethical standards. Students are introduced to the advertising planning process: product, market and consumer research, creative and media strategy, production of messages and evaluation of advertising effectiveness.
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: SSC Expanding Our Horizons  
Interdisciplinary Studies: Public History  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
ADVE 3000  Consumer Insight and Brand Strategy  (3 credits)  
Introduces advertising account planning and covers basic research skillsets, with an emphasis of how insights influence brand strategies in advertising. By reviewing numerous case studies, students understand how research influences strategies, what role brand archetypes play, how A.I. affects marketing strategies, best practices for writing strong creative briefs, and understanding the true definition of a brand. Students learn how to think strategically and critically, study morals and ethics in advertising and understand how storytelling is becoming more important in today's ever-changing advertising landscape.
Prerequisite: ADVE 1400, PURE 1800 or STCM 1600; COMM 2500 or MARK 4060; ADVE, PURE or STCM majors or minors.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
ADVE 3400  Content Ideation and Copywriting  (3 credits)  
Focuses on ideation and creative messaging with an emphasize on copywriting. Explores ideation as a means of creating concepts that can move across multiple media platforms, as well as preform in non-mediated spaces. Covers ideation, strategy, creative appeals and the fundamentals of copywriting. Presented in a lecture/lab format where students present and critique their work.
Prerequisite: ADVE 1400 or PURE 1800; ADPR 2200; declared ADVE or PURE majors and minors.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
ADVE 3986  Internship in Advertising  (0-3 credits)  
Work experience in advertising in specific organizational settings, supervised by an approved professional coupled with related academic work assigned. Approval of departmental internship director required in advance of internship. May be taken more than once to a maximum of three credits total. 0 credit is SNC/UNC grade assessment; 1-3 credits is S/U grade assessment.
Prerequisite: ADPR 2200 and ADVE 1400 and cons. of dept. ch.; or ADVE 1400 and JOUR 1100 and cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Marquette Core Curriculum: Engage Social Systms & Values 2  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Summer Term, 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Summer Term  
ADVE 4100  Advertising Media Strategy  (3 credits)  
Examines insight-driven media strategy in advertising. Course material builds upon on an historical perspective and discussion of the core purpose and value of media strategy. Students review and evaluate a wide variety of media options, from conventional and digital media platforms to emerging applications and channels. Provides an understanding of and instruction in the use of leading consumer research, planning and buying analytics and methods used for evaluation of media planning, execution and stewardship.
Prerequisite: ADVE 1400, PURE 1800 or STCM 1600; COMM 2500 or MARK 4060; ADVE, PURE or STCM majors or minors; or cons. of inst.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Fall Term  
ADVE 4400  Advanced Advertising Copywriting  (3 credits)  
A continuation of ADVE 3400. Emphasis on formulating strategy and producing executions for coordinated, multi-media campaigns. Each student creates a portfolio which showcases his or her talent and ability to work as a professional copywriter.
Prerequisite: ADVE 3400; or cons. of instr. Restricted to declared ADVE or PURE majors or minors.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2017 Fall Term, 2013 Fall Term, 2012 Fall Term, 2011 Fall Term  
ADVE 4995  Independent Study in Advertising  (1-3 credits)  
Supervised study of a specific area or topic in Advertising
Prerequisite: Cons. of dept. ch.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Fall Term, 2022 Fall Term, 2022 Spring Term  
ADVE 4997  Advertising Campaigns  (3 credits)  
Capstone course that simulates the full advertising campaign process. The first part of the course focuses on cultural and market forces. The second part focuses on a full campaign, created by students working in teams, for a real client and incorporates skills from previous courses. Instruction emphasizes the skills necessary to present strategic points of view and creative work.
Prerequisite: ADVE major and ADVE 1400, ADVE 3000, ADVE 3400, ADVE 4100.  
Level of Study: Undergraduate  
Last four terms offered: 2024 Spring Term, 2023 Spring Term, 2022 Spring Term, 2021 Spring Term  
ADVE 5100  Advertising Media Strategy  (3 credits)  
Examines insight-driven media strategy in advertising. Course material builds upon on an historical perspective and discussion of the core purpose and value of media strategy. Students review and evaluate a wide variety of media options, from conventional and digital media platforms to emerging applications and channels. Provides an understanding of and instruction in the use of leading consumer research, planning and buying analytics and methods used for evaluation of media planning, execution and stewardship.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2016 Fall Term, 2015 Fall Term, 2013 Spring Term, 2012 Fall Term  
ADVE 5400  Advanced Advertising Copywriting  (3 credits)  
A continuation of ADVE 3400. Emphasis on formulating strategy and producing executions for coordinated, multi-media campaigns. Each student creates a portfolio which showcases his or her talent and ability to work as a professional copywriter.
Level of Study: Graduate  
Last four terms offered: 2017 Fall Term, 2012 Fall Term, 2011 Fall Term, 2009 Fall Term