
Degrees Offered

See College of Education Programs

Students who complete an undergraduate program in education at Marquette University graduate with a double major: a major in education and a major in an academic content area. All education students are assigned to an adviser in the College of Education, as well as to an adviser in their academic content area. The bachelor of science degree is conferred by the College of Education. Students who successfully complete the Core Honors or Comprehensive Honors curriculum may earn a degree of honors bachelor of science or comprehensive honors bachelor of science, respectively.

The degrees of master of arts, master of education, master of science and doctor of philosophy are offered by the College of Education. The college also offers the following certificates: director of instruction,  principal, secondary education and superintendent. Details for these programs are contained in the Graduate School section of the bulletin.


The College of Education offers a major in Elementary/Middle Education (ELME), leading to certification for grades K4-9, a major in Middle/Secondary Education (MISE), leading to certification for grades 4-12, and a non-certification major in Educational Studies (EDST).


Students pursuing a major in MISE along with a content major in Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology must also pursue a minor in Teaching Social Studies for licensure. In addition, the college also offers a minor in Educational Studies, which is open to non-Education majors and a minor in English as a Second Language, which is open to both Education and non-Education majors.