College of Education

From the Dean

College of Education website


The College of Education takes great pride in preparing outstanding teachers, school and community leaders, counselors, counseling psychologists, student affairs administrators and university faculty. Our aim is to develop exemplary human service professionals individuals who will “Be The Difference” in their schools, institutions, organizations and communities.

All academic programs in the College of Education are deeply rooted in the tenets of social justice. Our students develop strongly held ideals of care, respect and advocacy for the well-being of all humankind under the guidance of caring faculty who are exceptional teachers and mentors and prominent scholars.

In addition, our students and faculty engage in a wide range of outreach activities, partnering with our many shareholders in urban, suburban and rural schools and communities, human service agencies and professional organizations. Our outreach efforts include hosting the Hartman Literacy and Learning Center for at-risk readers and directing the Behavior Clinic (at Penfield Children’s Center), which specializes in helping troubled pre-school children. We also exercise community leadership through our popular Marquette Educator blog.

Heidi Bostic, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, College of Education

College Mission Statement

Consistent with Jesuit tradition, the education programs at Marquette University prepare teachers, school counselors, community counselors, counseling psychologists and administrators to demonstrate a commitment to the development of leadership expressed in service to others. This commitment is expressed through the four tenets of Marquette University’s mission: excellence, faith, leadership and service. The commitment to excellence is foundational because without excellence our candidates cannot effectively serve others. Our candidates exhibit a deep knowledge and understanding of their disciplines as well as how students learn and develop. They master the requisite skills of their profession as effective communicators whose pedagogy, administration or counseling practice – in the form of planning, instruction or intervention, assessment and shaping of learning environments – meet the intellectual, social, emotional, cultural and physical needs of students, in response to their race, social class, gender, ethnicity or ability. They exhibit dispositions that support the development of faith, leadership and professional growth, continually reflect on their practice and their role in society, and consistently attempt to enhance all students’ learning and general well being through service. In all of these endeavors, socially just educators grow in their engagement with critical analysis and advocacy around structural inequities in society and in education and seek to affect change.


The College of Education is a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. All programs are accredited by the North Central Association and the state of Wisconsin.


The State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) approves the teacher preparation program offered by Marquette University. This approval includes the Elementary/Middle major, leading to certification for grades K4-9, the Middle/Secondary major, leading to certification for grades 4-12, and the majors and minors described in the following pages. A student who satisfactorily completes an education major (professional course sequence) and an academic major, demonstrates mastery of the College of Education standards as evidenced by satisfactory performance on selected assignments and obtains passing scores on the appropriate Praxis Subject Area test (if applicable) as well as the Foundations of Reading Test (Elementary/Middle majors only), can be recommended for certification in Wisconsin. Completion of course work is a necessary but not sufficient condition for certification. The professional judgment of faculty, supervisors, and Teacher Education Program administrators enters into the final decision. A student who is endorsed for certification by Marquette University can complete an online application for licensure via the Wisconsin Educator Licensing Online (ELO) system on the DPI website. A license fee is required and payable at the time of application.

Changes mandated by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction are ongoing. These changes may require revision of the programs of study and the certification procedures described on the pages which follow.

Students who plan to teach in a state other than Wisconsin after graduation should recognize that reciprocal certification agreements with other states change from time to time. Students should directly contact the respective state’s department of education to obtain its certification requirements and licensure application procedures. If specific courses are needed for certification other than those required for Wisconsin, students should plan their programs of study accordingly.