
Time Limitations

Students are expected to complete all requirements for their degrees in the time allowed: six years for master’s degrees and certificates, and eight years for doctoral (Ph.D. and D.N.P.) degrees. The time period begins with the date of admission to degree status, or with the date of admission to non-degree or temporary status in the same or closely-related program. The start of the time period is not affected by transfer credit taken prior to admission to Marquette.

Students who are unable to complete their degrees within the allowable time may petition the Graduate School for an extension; Request for Extension of Time forms are available on the Graduate School forms website. To ensure timely consideration, the Request for Extension of Time form should be filed early in the term in which the time limit expires. If the extension is approved, students are notified of the expectations for progress toward completion of the degree. Failure to meet those expectations may result in academic censure, including dismissal. If the extension is denied, students are terminated from their graduate program at the end of the term during which the time limit expires.

Extensions are typically granted for one academic term, but in some circumstances, may extend for up to one year. Students are generally be limited to two requests for extension of time and a cumulative total of two years of extension. Under unusual circumstances, a subsequent extension may be considered, but only to the degree it does not cause a substantial change to the student’s thesis, project or dissertation committee, or alter or negatively affect fundamental aspects of the program in which they are enrolled.

Failure to complete the program or to obtain an approved extension of time may result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the program. In such cases, students must follow the guidelines for readmission in order to be considered for readmission to their program of study.